Finish the sentence, Rule number 28 gone=?
What’s the definition of Ilk.
Family, class or kind.
Who plays the saxophone?
Steady Eddie.
What room did Bud sleep in at the house in Grand Rapid.
His mothers! Or Angela Janet.
What isn’t Buds name?
What’s rule number 39
The older you get the worse something has to be to make you cry
What’s the definition of paltry?
Whos the main character?
Bud Not Buddy
What town did Bud and Bugs stay in?
Who is Buds friend?
Finish the sentence, rule 3 if you got to tell a lie?
Make sure it’s simple and easy to remember
What’s the definition of prohibited?
To forbid.
What’s the name of Buds Mom?
Angela Janet.
What attacked Bud in the shed?
How far up did the pencil go up Buds nose?
Up to the R
What’s Rule 87?
When an adult tells you they need your help with a problem get ready to be tricked
What’s the definition lavatory?
The bathroom
What does Dirty Deed play?
What did Bud eat from Lefty Lewis?
A bread and cheese sandwich apple and red pop.
What does Bud not want people to see on him?
His skinny legs.
What’s Rule 118
You have to give adults something that they think they can use to hurt you by taking it away. That way they might not take something away that you really do want. Unless they’re crazy or real stupid they won’t take everything because if they did they wouldn’t have anything to hold over your head to hurt you either later.
What’s the definition of conscienc?
A persons inner sense of what is right or wrong.
What is Dirty Deeds real name?
What did the Rules and things do to Buds life.
Make it more fun and better.
What was the name of the waitress at the sweet pea?