Middle School Risk Factors
Infection Control
Healthy Habits

Which type of bread is the best for you?

A. Enriched-White

B. Whole Wheat

C. 5 grain bread

B. Whole Wheat Bread.

Whole Wheat bread is made with the entire wheat kernel and offers maximum health benefits.


What is the most common middle school risk factor?

A. Dodge ball

B. Alcohol

C. Bullying

C. Bullying

Bullying is a very prevalent issue in middle schools. Nearly 20% of middle school students are being actively bullied, along with 54% being cyber bullied. 

What is the BEST way to prevent the spread of infection?

A. Never washing your hands

B. Hand Sanitizer

C. Hand Washing

C. Hand Washing.

Hand Washing is the single most effective infection control method. Hand washing is an integral part of our careers and we want to express the importance of hand washing.


Which of these choices would be considered a healthier habit when choosing an after school meal?

A. Double cheeseburger

B. Salad with grilled chicken

C. An extra large ice cream cone

B. Salad with grilled chicken

Choosing a salad with grilled chicken is a much healthier choice. You will receive far more nutrients, far more energy and have satiety (Feeling full) for much longer.


How many times a day should you brush your teeth?

A. Once a day.

B. After each meal.

C. Once a month.

B. After each meal. recommends brushing teeth after each meal to lessen the chance of developing dental cavities, gum disease and bad breath. 


What vitamin do you obtain from eating citrus fruits?

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin B

C. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin C.

Vitamin C or L-Ascorbic acid is an essential vitamin which needs to be obtained by dietary intake.


What does overeating in a long term fashion result in?

A. Constipation

B. Obesity

C. Anorexia

B. Obesity

Obesity is a very prevalent issue occurring nationwide, affecting more than 18.5% of children.

How often should you receive your influenza (Flu) vaccination?

A. Once every 5 years

B. Each year when the new version is available.

C. Never, the Flu isn't a big deal.

B. Each year when the new version is available.

The influenza virus is ever evolving and participating in yearly influenza vaccines is an effective way of preventing the onset of this virus.


Which of these choices is the healthiest habit regarding sleeping schedule?

A. Making sure to get 10-11 hours of rest each night

B. Staying up playing Fortnite until 1 AM and sleeping only 5 hours

C. Never sleeping and forcing yourself to stay awake for weeks at a time to do homework

A. Making sure to get 10-11 hours of rest each night.

It is essential for growing children to get adequate rest for numerous reasons. Getting adequate rest is essential for brain function, proper growth/development and your immune system function.


Which of the following is NOT a way to prevent body odor?

A. Spray perfume/cologne.

B. Use Deodorant.

C. Wear Clean Clothes.

A. Spray perfume/cologne.

Spraying perfume/cologne is not an effective way to prevent body odor. Sprays act to enhance a clean, well smelling, hygienic person. They do not act to prevent odor, only to mask them.


Which of the following are NOT considered a nutrient?

A. Vitamins

B. Fats

C. Paper

C. Paper

Paper is not considered a nutrient, although some may consume paper.


What percentage of middle school aged childen are using alcohol?

A. 40%

B. 90%

C. 5%

A. 40% 

The National Institute On Drug Abuse reports that 40% of middle school students have tried alcohol, along with 20% being involved with more serious illicit drugs.


What is the most contaminated surface out of these three choices?

A. Toilet Seat

B. Grocery Cart Handle

C. Door Handle

B. Grocery Cart Handle.

Believe it or not, the handle on a common grocery cart is the most contaminated out of these three items. 50% of grocery cart handles were found to contain E. Coli and 72% contained Coliform Bacteria (Which is found in animal intestines & their waste).


How many minutes each day should be designated for exercise?

A. 15 Minutes

B. 30 minutes

C. 7 hours

B. 30 minutes

Research shows as little as 30 minutes of exercise a day can boost your general health and well-being. Exercise reduces stress, increases your heart health, boosts mood and increases overall productivity.

What bodily function travels at over 100 miles per hour?

A. Coughing

B. Sneezing

C. Jumping

B. Sneezing.

Sneezing is a bodily function that emits viruses and bacteria into the air. Along with a sneeze traveling at 100 miles per hour, a sneeze emits around 100,000 germs. Always remember to never sneeze into the open, always direct your sneeze into your elbow area.


Which type of fat is considered a "Good" Or "Healthy" fat?

A. Monounsaturated fats

B. Saturated fats

C. Trans Fat


A. Monounsaturated fats

Monounsaturated fats  or Omega-3 fatty acids act as an anti-inflammatory in your body. An example of these fats can be found in avocados or Flax seeds.


What percentage of middle school students have tried vaping before?

A. 100%

B. 19%

C. 70%

 B. 19%

Reports show that 19 percent of middle school aged children have tried or do engage in "Vaping" to obtain nicotine. Nicotine is a poisonous chemical with a high risk for addiction.


What is the most common disease causing bacteria found in poultry?

A. E. Coli


C. Salmonella Enterica

C. Salmonella Enterica

Salmonella is the common food borne pathogen that resides in Poultry. Eating raw eggs can result in salmonella infection. (So don't eat the cookie dough)


What is the single most effective healthy habit for losing weight as an American?

A. Cessation of soda consumption

B. Cessation of playing video games

C. Limiting cell phone usage

A. Cessation of soda consumption

Consuming soda drinks containing high fructose corn syrup amounts for more calories each day than some normal meals. Reducing the Intake of soda can drastically decrease your overall calorie consumption leading to weight loss.


What is the worst possible instrument for cleaning your ears out?

A. A Q-tip.

B. A damp cloth.

C. Your finger.

A. A Q-tip.

Q-tips are surprisingly the worst and least recommended method of cleaning your ears. Q-tips actually push the ear wax even further into the ear canal. The best way to clean your ears is to schedule an appointment with your doctor.


How many calories equal one pound?

A. 3,500 calories

B. 10,000 calories

C. 100 calories

A. 3500 Calories

One pound equals roughly 3,500 calories. 


What part of the brain does alcohol affect?

A. Corpus Callosum

B. Cerebellum

C. Frontal lobe

B. Cerebellum

Alcohol affects the cerebellum directly. The cerebellum's function is coordination and balance, which is heavily diminished when alcohol is consumed. Alcohol can also cause severe and irreversible brain damage to children.


What is the most common disease that results in sharing saliva with others?

A. Mononucleosis 


C. Warts

A. Mononucleosis

Mononucleosis is a disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus and remains with the host for the remainder of their lives. The Center for Disease Control(CDC) reports that more than 98% of the world's population has the Epstein-Barr virus.


How many deaths each year can be prevented by the healthy habit of washing hands routinely?

A. 550,000 Deaths.

B. 795,639 Deaths.

C. 1,000,000 Deaths.

C. 1,000,000 Deaths.

The CDC states that routinely washing hands can prevent one million deaths each year. Food borne illness and respiratory infections can be directly avoided by washing hands.


What actually causes body odor?

A. Apocrine sweat glands, bacteria.

B. Sweat and hair.

C. Soap on your skin mixed with sweat.

A. Apocrine sweat glands, bacteria and temperature.

When human temperature rises due to stress or environment, the Apocrine sweat glands located in the axilla and groin areas secrete a milky substance that is odorless. When this certain type of sweat mixes with bacteria normally found on the skin, it creates a distinct odor known as body odor. Eccrine glands normally secrete water/salt and generally the smell from these glands isn't recognized.
