Nearly everything you do is influenced by...
What is money?
A budget provides...
What is "a visual guide of your finances, revealing where every dollar is being spent?"
Learning to budget is important because it will help you develop...
What is good personal financial habits?
An expense that doesn't change month to month is...
What is a fixed expense?
An example of a fixed expense is...
What is rent, utilities, insurance, and/or a car payment?
When managed poorly, (the lack of) money can cause...
What is great stress and significant obstacles.
By having a budget, you will be able to identify...
What is wasteful spending?
Impulse buying is when...
What is a person buys on emotion and doesn’t think of the financial consequences?
Expenses that often change month to month are...
What are variable expenses?
An example of a fixed expense is...
What is rent?
The wisest financial decision you could ever make is to...
What is start a budget and save a percentage of your money?
A key culprit of people overspending is due to...
What is impulse buying?
Impulse spending is dangerous to person’s...
What is financial health?
An example of a variable expense is...
What is groceries, entertainment, gas, and/or clothes?
You should set _________ and ___________ to help keep you motivated and focused with maintaining a budget.
What are short-term and long-term goals?
Getting control of what you spend - or budgeting - will prevent a downward spiral into...
What is debt?
Most people get into financial trouble because of...
What is over spending?
To create financial security, you will need to...
What is build up your savings?
You should aim to save ________ of your net income.
What is 5 percent?
An example of a goal is...
What is to pay off debt or to save money for something you would like such a vacation or a car?
Here's how to find where your money goes...
What is study your paycheck, list the bills you pay every month, and list your discretionary income (the income left over after necessary bills are paid)?
Savings will be important for...
What is emergencies, to make large purchases, and for retirement?
You will be able to better manage your money by learning to...
What is prioritize your spending on the most important essentials, staying out debt, and learning to save?
A key priority in a budget should be to look for...
What are ways to cut your expenses?
If someone is buying a latte and a muffin each morning, five days a week, it would cost them about $12 dollars a day, _______ dollars a week, and $240 dollars a month.
What is $60 a week?