Family Favorite Movies
Family Trivia
Video Games!
Household Events

We have had many dogs in this house. They all used to follow Mom in a big pack whenever she walked about. What was the name of the golden dog?

Who is Buddy?


A hilarious classic we all enjoy when the weather gets chilly and it's time to chop down some firewood and feast on burnt marshmallows around the fireplace. You could say this movie's family is chaotic like ours.

What is "Home Alone?"


The catalyst of this family, you could thank her for being the first of a few more to eventually come.

Who is Lilly?


What console is known for its blue and red controller?

What is "The Nintendo Switch"?


With our home being situated near the coast we inevitably deal with a hurricane or two. What is the name of the hurricane that hit us in 2017?

What is "Hurricane Harvey"?


Christmas is the time of giving and family. But it can also be the time to welcome in new people. We officially welcomed this certain animal on Christmas Day.

Who is Bowie?

This movie inspired many girls to be strong women. Credited for saving China, Mulan was recognized for being a hero. But what was the name of her partner in crime?

Who is "Mushu"?


What is the name of the household member who is easily frightened?

Who is "Angel"?


What was Mario's job in the original game?

What is "Plumber"?


After many warnings, this event caused hospital bills and a distrust of scooters.

What is "Lilly fracturing her kneecap"?


Lilly and Angel were excited to win fish at the last family outing. But this isn't Lilly's first rodeo. What is the name of Lilly's first fish who ended in tragedy?

Who is Fireball?


A sad tale of a mythological beast who took on an adventure to save itself and its race in a pair of someone else's shoes. This movie was released in the 80's and is still regarded by many fans as one of the best-animated pieces.

What is "The Last Unicorn"?


This person makes a house into a home and is the glue of the family. She deserves much love and gratitude. She deserves all the praise and recognition that she deserves. What is her middle name?

What is "Marie?"


Minecraft is a game that is credited as one of the greatest games of all time. With endless possibilities, it's no wonder how our family seems to go through phases of playing it together and then not playing for months. But what is the name of the person who originally made Minecraft?

Who is "Notch"?


Even though we grew up with the monkey on the bed song, this didn't deter one person from messing around, finding out, and causing Mom and Dad to pay hospital bills.

What is "Izaiah cracking his head"?


Unfortunately, we couldn't get Athena spayed before her first litter but at least the kittens were cute! We cherished them all and obsessed over how adorable they were as they grew. Eventually, everyone found a kitten they wanted to keep, all except one.

Who is Odin?


Madeline was obsessed with this movie when she was just a few months old. With its tropical theme and tear-jerking moments, at least watching it over and over again and again wasn't too bad.

What is "Moana"?


The term “Irish twins” refers to one mother having two children who were born 12 months or less apart. It originated in the 1800s as a way to poke fun at Irish Catholic immigrant families who didn't have access to birth control. Who was the second person to be born in this family's set of Irish twins?

Who is "Izaiah"?


In 2014, Google partnered with Game Freak and Nintendo as part of an April Fool's Day prank to create a new version of Google Maps populated by small creatures. This prank inspired what massively popular 2016 video game?

What is "Pokemon GO"?


Texas's infrastructure and power grid certainly feels unreliable. It seems like every season we deal with a power outage or two. But the Great Freeze of '21 is certainly memorable. Name one person outside of our family who sheltered with us during the Great Freeze of '21

Who are "Denée " and/or "Audrey"? 


This animal could be called "A Mentor", she often would look over the other animals in the household and chase critters around the backyard. She watched many animals come and go and taught them all the ways of life and protection. For her scary appearance and breed, she was the sweetest thing to exist.

Who is Naomi?


A whimsical take on this certain mythological beast, this movie saga captured the hearts of many children growing up. It even caught the hearts of adults. Many people love how this saga of movies takes the interest of many children and portrays it almost like a "behind the scenes look" into this fantastical creature's life.

What is the Tinkerbell Saga?


The money-maker of the family as well as the protector. We have much gratitude to give this person. But this certain part of his identity isn't something that some people knew before as of late, even though it's the second part of a name. What is the full name of this person?

Who is "Jorge Buentello?"


What is thought to be the first video game?

What is "Tennis for Two"?


It seems that the kids are regulars at Texas Children's. We have caused a lot of money to go towards hospital bills, and the torch has now been passed from Lilly and Izaiah to Madeline. But she's already gotten a headstart. How many times did Maddy had to be taken to the hospital for dislocated shoulder joints?

What is "Two Times"?