Blue lights outline this.
What is a Taxiway?
The portion of the landing pattern which the a/c is lined up with the runway and is heading straight into land.
What is final approach?
A piece of pavement that is designated by numbers based on compass headings.
What is a Runway?
Type of sign that has a yellow inscription (letter / number) on a black background.
What is a location sign?
An Airport that has an ATCT that manage aircraft in air and on the ground.
What is a Controlled Airport?
White lights outline this.
What is a runway?
What is the Downwind leg?
A pavement marking that consists of 4 yellow lines--2 solid & 2 dashed that act like stop signs.
What is a Hold Position Marking?
also acceptable is "hold short bar"
This type of sign has a black inscription (letter/number) on a yellow background.
What is a Direction sign?
Jet A Tank 1 has how much fuel?
225,000 gallons
The color of a light at the departure end of a runway.
What is Red?
Flight path at a right angle to the landing runway off the approach end.
What is the Base leg?
Pavement having a continuous yellow centerline outlined in black along its length.
What is a taxiway?
This type of sign has a white number on a black background.
What is a Runway distance remaining sign?
or Distance to Go.
Length of aircraft and average daily departures of air carrier aircraft determine this.
What is the FAA Index?
These color lights mark the approach ends of runways.
What is green?
Flight path at right angles to the landing runway off its upwind leg.
What is the Crosswind leg?
A solid yellow line with yellow dashes on either side, seen while approaching a runway.
What is an enhanced centerline?
This type of sign has white inscriptions on a red background.
What is a Runway hold position sign?
Structure's that are hazards for spreading smoke and fire.
Amber lights serve as runway edge lights for the last _______feet at the departure end of the runway.
What is 2000 ft.?
Understanding traffic patterns will allow you to know the aircraft's position in relation to the airport during an emergency.
Why do I need to know this?
Parallel runways are indicated by a number followed by.
What is L (left) or R (right)
The type of sign which looks like a ladder laid on its side with double rungs indicates.
What is an ILS critical area boundary?
Areas of an airport that ARFF & Maintenance personnel should remain clear of aircraft due to congestion.
What are ramps and apron areas?