Book of Mormon
The Book of Ether
Book of Mormon Prophets
Heroes and Villains
Random Fun

He was the younger brother of Laman and Lemuel but would ultimately become the righteous leader over his family.

Who is Nephi


He is the righteous leader who led the Jaredites across the great waters.

Who is The Brother of Jared

This man led his family out of Jerusalem when the Lord warned him that it was going to be destroyed.

Who is Lehi


He protected the flocks of King Lamoni by sling and sword, including chopping off a few arms.

Who is Ammon


This was the first temple completed in Utah

What is the St. George Temple


He is the prophet who compiled all records into what we now know as The Book of Mormon

Who is Mormon


The Brother of Jared proposed these as a source of light for the dark barges

What are  16 stones


This man refused to deny Christ and preached to King Noah and his wicked priests.  He was later put to death by fire because he refused to deny his God and Jesus Christ

Who is Abiniadi


These two men threatened to kill Nephi and even tied him to the mast of a ship during a great storm.

Who were Laman and Lemuel


He was Taylor Swift's first public boyfriend and is known for calling her to break up over the phone in a 27 second conversation.

Who is Joe Jonas


This man was a Lamanite prophet who preached repentance upon the walls of Zarahemla and was protected from the slings and arrows of the wicked people.

Who is Samuel the Lamanite


The Brother of Jared saw this with his own eyes when the sixteen stones were being lit

What is the finger of the Lord


He was the only priest of Noah who believed in the words of Abinadi and became a prophet himself, teaching all the words of Abinadi to his people.

Who is Alma


He led armies by faith and hoisted the title of liberty for all to see. The very powers of hell would have been shaken forever and the devil would have no power over us if we were all like unto this great man... (Alma 48:17)

Who was Captain Moroni


Corner Canyon High School won the 6A state football championship this year.  This is their mascot name?

What are the Chargers

He was the wicked King who refused to give the plates of brass to Laman, Lemuel, Nephi and Sam and was later beheaded by Nephi when found drunk in the streets

Who was King Laban


In Ether chapter 12, the Lord promises that when we are righteous and faithful he will make our weaknesses become this?

What are strengths


These two righteous leaders were falsely imprisoned and call upon God to deliver them.  The prison walls crumble and these two men walk away unharmed while the wicked are crushed in the rubble.

Who are Alma and Amulek


These two prophets were encircled about by a pillar of fire while in prison and were protected from their enemies. They conversed with angels and the multitudes repented after hearing a voice from heaven. (Helaman 5)

Who were Nephi and Lehi


This country artist just won the Entertainer of the Year award at the 58th annual CMA's.

Who is Morgan Wallen


This righteous Lamanite woman was a servant to King Lamoni's wife, the queen and ran from house to house to alert the people of the great miracle and conversion of King Lamoni, his wife, and household. (Alma 19)

Who was Abish


He was the last and final person to survive out of all the Jaredite people and was later discovered by descendants of Nephi who settled in Zarahemla (Ether 15 and Omni 1)

Who is Coriantumr

He is the angel who appeared to Joseph Smith multiple times regarding the golden plates. He is on top of multiple temples, and he was the final prophet to record on the gold plates prior to burying them.

Who is Moroni


This villain was put to death when Teancum climbed the wall into enemy territory and put a javelin to his heart

Who is Amalickiha


This local Syracuse legend's real first name is Trampas but many just know him by his initials.

Who is Bishop TJ Rowden
