I am believed to be able to survive a nuclear apocalypse
What is a cockroach
I have what seems to be hundreds of legs and a really long body
What is a centipede
I spray stinky toxic chemicals
What is a stink bug
I love to eat dog food, I am not a tarantula
What is Goliath beetle
I am a bee but don't have a stinger
What is a bumble bee
I'm a nocturnal flyer with fur that makes me look like a cotton ball
What is a poodle moth
I am a big clumsy beetle who can fly and is named after an african megafauna
What is rhino beetle
I eat wood
What is a termite
I am an invasive species from southeast Asia, often referred to with the acronym SLF
What is a spotted lantern fly
I kill and eat my prey using a tube in my mouth
What is a assassin bug