True of False:
The Principle of Competence ensures that psychologists practice within their area of expertise meaning psychologists must make it clear what they are trained to do as well as what they are not trained to do.
This theory credited to Pavlov posits that humans develop unconscious responses to repeated stimuli.
His famous experiment involved ringing a bell before feeding dogs.
Classical Conditioning Theory
This skill involves fully engaging with the client's verbal and non-verbal messages, and understanding their emotions and concerns. Key components include paying attention, showing empathy, reflecting on the client's words, and attending to non-verbal cues.
Techniques include paraphrasing, summarizing, reflecting feelings, and using open-ended questions
Active Listening
Used to help a person change behavior, increase happiness, and overcome problems.
Identified with Sigmund Freud
Do you know this Campus?
What building is the Counseling Services in?
Billy C. Black Building Room 170
What are the 5 ethical concerns according to the Hippocratic oath?
Avoid Harm, Confidentiality, Respect, Avoid Exploitation, Competence
In this theory Sigmund Freud proposed that a human personality is made up of the id, the ego, and the superego.
Frued's Psychoanalytic Theory
This skill helps to validate experiences and foster trust. It involves understanding and sharing the client's emotions and perspectives.
This approach emphasizes people's capacity to make rational choices and develop to their maximum potential.
Humanistic Therapy
Do you Know Your Professors?
This professor often refers to his students as "scholars"!
Dr. William Reed
According to the APA what are the 6 basic moral principles for helping professionals (counselors)?
Autonomy, Fidelity, Veracity, Non-Maleficence, Beneficence, Justice
This theory is commonly represented by a pyramid, with five different types of human needs listed
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Valuable skill in counseling sessions that involving condensing and restating client information to provide a concise overview of their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
Serves as a reference point for both clients and counsellors, ensuring important details are not overlooked.
This type of therapy may work with a client to change thought patterns.
Tends to focus on what people think rather than what they do.
Cognitive Therapy
Do you know this Campus?
What is the name of the Social Science Building ?
Catherine Harnett Building
This domain of ethics consists of what society believes in terms of right and wrong
Descriptive Ethics.
Compared to Evaluative Ethics which inquires into what SHOULD be regarded as right and wrong.
This Theory proposed by Albert Bandura states that learning is facilitated by modeling and observational learning. It argues that our own motivations play a role in deciding whether to copy a behaviour or not.
Social-Learning Theory
This skill is essential in counseling as they allow counsellors to gather information, explore clients' perspectives, and facilitate self-reflection
Questioning Techniques
This type of therapy focuses on learning's role in developing both normal and abnormal behaviors.
Methods include "desensitizing" which gives the client repeated exposure to whats causing their phobia
Behavior Therapy or Classical Coniditoning
Do you Know your Professors?
This Professor is also the Department Head for the Social Science Department
Dr. Hema Davis