God's Word - The Foundation
Attributes of God
The Trinity
God's Word Guides Us
God's Word is Complete

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that God's Word is "...living and active..." and that it is "sharper than" a what?

What is a two-edged sword?


What is one attribute of God is revealed to us by these words of Genesis 1:1 - "In the beginning, God..."

What is God's "eternal" nature?


This term, though not used in Scripture, is used to describe God's revealed nature of His eternal being

What is the trinity?


2 Timothy 3:16 teaches us that all Scripture has been "________ out by God..."

What is breathed?


The total number of books in the Bible, as held to by Christians today

What are the 66 books of the Bible?


This perspective is built upon viewing and understanding the world around us, through the "lens" of the truths and teachings of Scripture, and applies to every aspect of life

What is a Biblical Worldview?


This term used to describe God's "all-knowing" attribute, that is, that His knowledge is infinite and perfect

What is omniscience?


The doctrine of the Trinity teaches us that there is one true God, who has eternally existed as three distinct but equal _______ .

What are persons?


In former times, God spoke through these men to convey His Word to mankind

Who are the prophets?


This is the "fancy" term used to describe the completed Bible, the authoritative Word of God

What is the canon?


God's Word reveals to us a grand plan of _________ , whereby He has intended to redeem a people for Himself.

What is salvation?


This term describes how God is "all-powerful"

What is God's omnipotence?


God has revealed Himself as the One True God, consisting of these three distinct but equal persons

Who is/are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?


According to Hebrews 1, in these final days, God has spoken to us through this person, whom He has appointed as the heir of all things.

Who is "His Son", Jesus Christ?


These are the two parts of Scripture, as recognized by Christians, often described as "Old" and New"

What are the Testaments?


If we reject God's Word, we ultimately reject His ________ over our lives.

What is God's "control" or "authority"?


This attribute of God teaches us His sacredness (special, "other"), the truth of His hallowed nature, and His sinlessness

What is God's holiness?


This heretical teaching falsely describes God as one "person" who acts in different "modes" (e.g. sometimes as the "Father", other times as "Son" or "Holy Spirit")

What is modalism?


Scripture is trustworthy and true because it is rooted in God's perfect character, that is, He is incapable of _______ .

What is "lying"?


In multiple places, the Bible warns against taking away from or ________ _______ the Scriptures.

What is "adding to" the Word of God?


Scripture teaches us that the Gospel, the Good news of Jesus Christ, is the "________ of God for salvation for to everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16)

What is "power"?


This is the formal term used to describe God's self-existence; He was not created and is not dependent on anyone or anything

What is God's aseity? 


The Scriptural account of Jesus' baptism at the _______ _______ is one example of the revealed nature of our Triune God.

What is the Jordan River?


This is the Greek word used to describe the Bible as "God-breathed"

What is "theopneustos"?


These are the 7 C's of the Gospel that we discussed which reveal God's beautiful plan for redeeming His people and saving them

What is Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation
