Free and undeserved gift of God's love and life.
What is Grace?
Joseph and Mateo's friendship began when..
What is made the Basketball Team?
Jesus gave us the perfect model for prayer.
What is the Our Father?
Jesus tells us to gather together in prayer:
What is: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matthew l8:2O).
A collection of prayers, songs, and readings corresponding to the calendar of the Chruch year; the daily prayer of the Cahtolic Church.
What is Liturgy of the Hours?
Through this we participate in the grace of Christ.
What is Baptism?
Joseph and Mateo's friendship was tested when....
What is Mateo twisted and broke his ankle during a game?
The Our Father is also called.
Is the public work of the Church, a service in the name of the people.
What is liturgy?
Fourteen images depicting the suffering and Death of Jesus; a source of prayer and meditation especially during Lent. Sometimes the stations include a 15th image, showing the Resurrection.
What is Stations of the Cross?
Three ways Grace acts in us.
Joseph helped Mateo in several ways.
What is brought his homework assignments, Kept him updated on team news, Kept him company, Helped carry books at school and welcomed Mateo back to the team.
Basic prayer form blessing God for all he has given us.
What is Blessing?
This is what we do each time we receive the Eucharist.
What is we fulfill Jesus' command to us, which we could never do alone?
A short worship service centered on adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is song and prayer.
Chanted or recited prayer in the form of short petitions said alternately with responses.
Makes it possible for us to live out God's love in our lives, to live as Christians, and to grow as members of the Church.
What is Sactifying Grace?
Joseph and Mateo's friendship was built on three important elements.
What is:
1. They spent time together, sharing good and bad.
2. They communicated, both talking and listening
3. They showed care by helping each other out.
We ask God for what we need, including forgiveness.
What is Petition?
To celebrate the Eucharist, the prime example of liturgical prayer, we need...
What is a community of believers led by a priest who presides over our prayer?
A cycle of prayers spanning ning days, either nine consecutive days or one day a week over nine consecutive weeks.
What is a Novena?
Nobody earns sanctifying grace, but, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can earn for ourselves and for others all the help we need to do good on earth and to reach eternal life in Heaven.
What is merit?
In our friendship with God, we both....
What is ask God for what we need and listen to what God expects from us?
We pray to God on behalf of others.
What is Intercession?
Litrugical celebrations involve signs and symbols relating to creation, to human life and to the history of Salvation.
What is Water, Fire, Anointing, Breaking Bread and The Rites of the Passover
A meditaion on events, or mysteries, in the life of Jesus. The Hail Mary is repeated, includes the Lord's Prayer and a Glory Be.
A series of prayers petitioning God for mercy and forgiveness.
What is the Rosary? and What is Divine Mercy Chaplet?