There There Prologue
"Against the Current"
Race & Slavery in English Colonies
Current American Indian Data
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True or false: According to Orange, making indigenous communities move away from their homelands made them less Native American.


Land or no land, they are still Native Americans. 

How does Daunette describe her community in her reservation?

She says it’s slow-paced and a place of struggle. It does not offer programs for youth or many job opportunities. She says it’s draining and people don’t reach their full potential; it seems to be filled with drug and alcohol abuse.

According to Loewen, which came first? Slavery or racism?

Slavery. It predates the bible and the global slave trade of those enslaved from Africa.


How much percentage of the American population is a descendant to American Indians? 

less than 2%


What's the name of the current unit we're studying?

Building America to Them: Eclipsed Perspectives.


What does Orange mean by “We’ve been defined by everyone else and continue to be slandered despite easy-to-look-up-on-the-internet facts about the realities of our histories and current state of people?” Explain.

Orange is frustrated by the way media portrays Native Americans. They are oversimplified and tend to be portrayed as inferior or savage characters.


What do these statements represent? 
1. Strong relationship with food & seeds.
2. Has a relationship with creation itself.
3. Helps birth babies in the community.

This is what it means to be an "Omaha Woman" of the Winnebago Ho-Chunk tribe.


Provide one concrete way in which the United States might have been influenced politically by Native Americans. 

The fact that the seal of the US has both an eagle and arrows-- two elements that are important to Native American communities.


Which month celebrates National American Indian heritage?



This is a Native American cuisine restaurant. What is the significance of its existence? 

This is evidence of how Native culture survived despite Indian relocation.


To Orange, why was "thanksgiving" not capitalized? What does the word seem to mean to him?

To Orange, it is not a holiday. Thanksgivings signify the many instances of deceit and murder colonists committed to win the competition for land. Colonists celebrated the aftermath multiple times. 


Provide three reasons why the drum is significant to Daunette's community.

According to Quentin,

1. The drum is the heartbeat of his people
2. It was given to the Winnebago Ho-Chunk tribe by. their creator.
3. Through the beat, they have melodies, footsteps, dancers, and rhythms
4. People feel protected when they hear it played.


Provide a true statement regarding slavery and Native Americans

Possible answers:

1. Colonists expected to arrive and subjugate American Indians into free labor, though Indians proved difficult to dominate.

2. They were subjected to a parallel bondage system as degrading as African slavery that predated and outlasted African slavery in America.

3. They were sent to locations throughout the Caribbean. 


What are the two largest American Indian tribes?

Navajo & Cherokee


According to Ms. Takahashi, why is it a privilege (special) to be able to learn about Native American mythologies? 

These stories survived and are widely circulated despite intentional efforts of erasure during American expansion.


Orange opens his prologue with a vivid memory about a tv test card. To him, it looks like a rifle scope about to shoot a Native American. What is this scene supposed to represent?

This is an example of modern dehumanization of Native Americans.


According to Daunette and her interview with Jarae, what does it mean in the Winnebago Ho-Chunk tribe to be two-spirited? Provide 2 statements about this identity.

1. To be two-spirited means to have both masculine and feminine energy within.
2. This individual can do tasks traditionally assigned to only men or only women.


What do you think Loewen means by learning “Indian history is the antidote to ethnocentric American exceptionalism?”

Learning about counter narratives (American Indian perspectives) to early American history begins to erode the idea that America is justified to be on this land and is the best. Truthfully, America has a lot of blood on its hands.


0.69% of American businesses are owned by American Indians. What number does this translate to? 



Name three Bay Area locations Orange mentions in his book about where urban Native communities thrived.

1. Oakland
2. Fruitvale
3. Mission District, SF


Orange has citizenship to the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes. Which state are these tribes located in?



Consider when Daunette interviewed her mentor for the documentary. Why was her mentor scolded by her father in her childhood?

She'd talk about things using "I" and her dad wanted her to change her words to "we" in order to de-emphasize the individual and consider the collective. 


Explain the different goals the Puritans had from the Narragansetts with the Pequot tribe during the Pequot War. 

The Puritans wanted to exterminate the Pequot — through the way in which the Puritans slaughtered them, and then outlawed using the term “Pequot.” The Narragansetts merely wanted to assert their dominance, according to Loewen.


Which president made celebrating American Heritage month federally recognized? (*hint--Ms. T was not alive yet!)

George H.W. Bush in 1990


What's the median age of American Indians and Alaska Native population?

32 years old
