Risk Management
Risk Management
Policies and Procedures
Daily Tasks

Where are the AED located in the building ( Hint there are 4)

1. In Lobby underneath the TV across from front desk 

2.Across from 3-court gym in-between the family locker room

3. Next to the water fountains in between the Cardio Desk and Game room

4. On the wall near the stretching area located on the track


Name that Emergency ! Symptoms include: 

-Cannot speak , cough or breathe 

-Hands holding throat 



What sides of the pool should the lifeguards be on if there is only 2?

  • resistance walk chair 
  • basketball courts side 

What day do we water the plants ?

Wednesday Mornings !


What time do we open on the weekends ?



Name 5 out of 8 things that are found in our med bags

  • Gauze
  • Band-aids
  • Nosebleed rolls
  • Sterile gloves
  • Rolled bandages
  • Glucose tablets
  • Apple juice
  • Emergency blankets

Name that emergency! 

Symptoms include:

-double/blurry vision

-balance problems


-sensitivity to light and noise




-trouble comprehending/concentrating



-dilated pupils

-clear fluid coming from ears and nose.



What is the call out procedure? In an event someone does not show up to their shift.Who would you call ?

They must make every attempt to find a sub using Group me. If not message the group me to see if someone can come in

If a fitness staff does not come call Louise 

If a Outdoor Pursuits staff does not come in call Drew 

If Building manager , Front desk/EQ or lifeguard call Eve


Where do we bring the blue/white donation bottles?

Bring to the back of OP by the sink


What are OP hours ?

Monday- Friday 2p-6p

Weekends 10a-1p


How many rounds of CPR are you legally obligated to perform before leaving the victim ?

5 rounds


What are the S.A.M.P.L.E. Questions?

  • S- Signs and Symptoms
    • How are you feeling? What are your symptoms? 
  • A- Allegries
    • Are you allergic to anything? Do you have any allergies we should know about?
  • M- Medications
    • Are you taking any medications? Do you have your medication with you?
  • P- Pertinent medical history
    • Do you have any medical conditions we should know about?
  • L- Last oral intake
    • When was the last time you had anything to eat or drink?
  • E- Events leading up to the injury
    • What were you doing prior to becoming injured/sick? Do you know what led to you getting injured/ being sick?

What should you do first when finding coverage for your shift ?

Seek coverage and text the chat . You can always ask people separately and try swapping


What are two reasons why the hot tub alarms might be going off?

1) Chemicals

2) its too hot 


What are the Rockwall hours ?

Sunday- Thursday 4p-10p 

Friday & Saturday 4p-8p


Signs and symptoms of Allergic Reaction

  • Rash
  • trouble breathing
  • swelling
  • redness
  • wheezing


Identify symptoms of someone going into shock ?Name at least 5

-Feeling faint




-excessive thirst

-pale/cold/clammy skin




How many people do there need to be at rockwall for top rope to open ?

Trick question :

2 CERTIFIED people, work study can only oversee front desk


What direction would you be walking the track today?

counterclock wise ( Left)


What is the name of the Instagram for Campus Rec?



We use F.A.S.T. to determine if someone is having a stroke.What does F.A.S.T. stand for ?

  • Face- Ask them to smile. Is one or both sides of their face paralyzed or numb?
  • Arm- Ask the patron to raise their arms; are they even?
  • Speech- are they slurring their speech?
  • Time- If you determine they are having a stroke take note of the time at which the symptoms started. This is very important.

What are the steps to care for someone having a seizure ?

  • If the patron is not on the ground, lower them to the ground if possible. 
  • Clear the area of any obstructions. 
  • Let the seizure run its course, protecting their head. 
  • Turn the patron on their side to avoid choking on tongue or vomit. (Recovery position) 
  • Do your best to ensure they stay on their side, but do not hold them in place. 
  • Call 911, have SA1 bring you an AED. 
  • Monitor the patron until emergency services arrive.
  • Fill out an accident report.  

How old do you have to work out in the gym ?

11 with a guardian or 18 without a guardian


What are the plants names ?

Michaela and Michaela Jr.


Whats the SLC Birthday ? ( Bonus points for day and year)

Feb 15 2015
