What does coming to work prepared look like?
In Dress code, clocked in, and knowing what's going on for the day, etc.
We should not clock in and then go to the bathroom, eat or make a phone call.
What does the perfect counselor wear?
Professional dress code, athletic wear is allowed for summer, as well as shorts no more than 2 inches above the knee
What should be set up before hand?
Any kind of art supplies, stem supplies, or items needed for activity, snack, etc.
What are some things that go in your Group Kits?
Back pockets games, Blank paper/Coloring sheets, Crayons, Fidget toys, Band-Aids, Instant Ice Pack
Daily Schedules, Group DAQ/Rosters, Half Hour Counts, Weekly Curriculum
When do I need to break?
5 Hours after you stared your shift.
If I'm feeling overwhelmed...I need a quick 5.. ask your Site Director
When anyone walks into our program, what do they want to see?
Engagement, children are having a good time, staff are not sitting by themselves but involved with the children, playing games, participating in group games, etc.
What organized activities are going to be done at outside time?
High-Medium-Low choices
Name the Program Directors and Senior Program Director for your Region...
answers vary
Who comes first?
MYSELF. For the children to have fun you must be having fun.
What does the perfect counselor do with their group all day?
They do daily group huddles, go over expectations, do daily curriculum, engage in camp atmosphere, etc.
When outside what does it mean for staff to be Zoning areas?
Staff should be walking around and continuously scanning the area - not sitting down on benches
After a Accident/Incident is filled out who does it need to go to?
It needs to go to the SD to make sure it filled out completely.
What do I do if I'm feeling sick?
Call my supervisor at least 2 hours before my shift, if no contact is made I contact my senior, etc.
When should a camper switch groups?
After Site Director and PD have given approval.
What do I do if my campers are not interested in the activity?
Ask then to try and participate for 5 minutes. After that is they still don't want to do the activity give them a second option like color or read.
What is our Emergency Code word?
What's the first thing I should do when starting work?
Clock In Using ADP!
How many children should be with a staff when taking a group to the bathroom?
They should have at least 3 children with them
This can be something that can be changed weekly and really make a splash at camp...
Decorations, weekly quotes, weekly camp songs, camper of the week, etc
What should we be doing with every pick up?