French and Indian War
Boston rebellion
Continental Congresses
Boston Massacre
War and Independence

The French and Indian War was between which Four parties over the Ohio River Valley?

British, French, Colonist and Native Americans 


This group was led and partly created by Sam Adams, and led the rebellions in Boston against the different taxes placed on it.

Sons of Liberty


A tax placed on the colonies right after the French and Indian War that lowered the cost of the good and banned the selling and buying of goods made with it.

The Sugar Act


The First Continental Congress formed to address what issue.

The intolerable acts and the mistreatment of Boston


What started as throwing snowballs, turned to throwing these items instead at the British Guard before the massacre. 

Ice chunks, Oyster Shells, Clubs


Who famously would ride out warning of the coming attack by the British, letting the Minute men get ready for battle.

Paul Revere 


This young commander helped start the French and Indian War when he attacked French troops around what is now Pittsburg and had one of the natives under his command kill the captured French Commander.

George Washington


This is when men in the middle of the night destroyed around 80,000 pounds(English money) worth of goods in order to rebel against the tax that was placed on it by England. 

Boston Tea Party


This Tax was placed on all goods manufactured sent by England to the colonies, helping to spur on the events of the Boston Massacre. 

The Townshend Act 


The Second Continental Congress formed after this battle, to decide what to do going forward.

Lexington and Concord


Who was hired to defend the Soldiers of the massacre?

John Adams


Who shot first at the battle of Lexington and Concord?

It is unknown


The colony where most of the battles of the French and Indian War would take place, usually over or around forts in its frontier. 

New York


A common method used by the Sons of Liberty to protest the taxes placed on the colonies in which they did not buy British goods anymore.


When the Townshend acts were repealed after the Boston Massacre, Parliament decided to keep one part of it going on one good to help out the East India Company, lowering the cost of the good to cut back on smugglers. 

Tea Tax


This man was picked at the second Continental Congress to lead the Army, in part due to his experience and natural height.

George Washington


Why was officer Preston said to be standing behind his men by the Colonist during the court case? 

To label him a coward. To show him not as a leader


This battle was considered the first of the American Revolution, and is sometimes called the shot heard around the world.

Lexington and Concord


The British would win the war by taking these two cities in modern day Canada

Montreal and Quebec 


Tax Collectors during the Stamp act were scared off by the sons of Liberty using these three destructive and somewhat Illegal methods, one of which was destroying their houses by tearing them down. 

Hanging Effigies and Tar and Feathering

The Stamp act required a tax on these goods by needing a stamp placed on it to make it official, requiring a payment for each stamp placed.

Paper Goods or documents


The first Continental Congress was missing this colony and decided to do what in response to the Intolerable acts.

Georgia and Boycott form Militia 


Why were the soldiers found innocent of all charges after the hearing?

They were only defending their post.


These three men were the main creators of the Declaration of Independence, with one being the author and the other two its editors. 

Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams


For what reason did both the French and the British want the Ohio River Valley?

Fur Trade with the Natives


This protest against the British taxes resulted in the death of 5 civilians and the wounding of many more.

Boston Massacre 


The Intolerable acts were placed on Boston as a Punishment for its actions during the Boston tea party. Its main actions were 4 things, closing Boston Harbor, Allowing Soldier to quarter in your house, and two others.

No more town meetings or gatherings, British officials would be trailed in England from now on. 


Two documents, opposite in nature, created by the Second Continental Congress. 

The Olive Branch accords and the Declaration of Independence. 


Why is the Boston Massacre so important in the leadup to the American Revolution?

Its both when the first shots were fired and Americans died.


By signing the Declaration of Independence, what did the representatives get labeled as and guarantee would happen to them if they lost the war?

Traitor and Hanged
