Types of Bullying
Ways to handle bullying
True or False

What is a BULLY

A person who purposely tries to hurt others, repetitively 


What type of bullying is displayed in the below scenario?

John and Ted push Chris in the hallways every time they see him walk by and trip him at the playground



Name 3 people you can go to if you or someone you know is being bullied?

Teacher, principal, counselor, parent or other trusted adult


TRUE OR FALSE: If you are being physically bullied, you should tell an adult

TRUE: If anyone is hurting you physically or leaving marks then you should tell a teacher, parent, counselor, friend, or any trusted adult.


What are some reasons people bully others?

-They are insecure  

-Difficult life situations/experiences 

-They like the control and have a need to dominate and subdue others.   

-Someone is or has bullied them


What does it mean to be a BYSTANDER

Someone who witnesses or hears about bullying happening, either in person or online and does nothing to stop the bullying.


What type of bullying is displayed in the below scenario? 

Trina posted embarrassing photos of another student in her class but under a fake profile. 



Name 2 ways a bystander can help some who is being bullied? 

Tell the bully to stop/intervene, get help, tell an adult


TRUE OR FALSE: If you delete a comment or post from the internet then it is gone forever

FALSE: The platform that you are posting on owns the rights to the content that you post. Also, anyone can take a picture or screenshot of what you posted before you delete it and then re-post it. 


What are possible effects of bullying on the victim?

May lead to low self-esteem, depression, self-harm and/or suicide, 


What is an ALLY?

An ally is an individual who stands up for a person or group that is targeted and discriminated against.


What type of bullying is displayed in the below scenario? 

Mary made fun of Lily's body type and her race



What are 2 ways to protect yourself from CYBERBULLYING

Do not share passwords, don't respond to bully (reaction is what a bully wants), make your account private, block people who make you uncomfortable and report any content that seems inappropriate or malicious, save all evidence, tell a parent, tell a teacher or counselor,


TRUE OR FALSE: Bullies have difficulties making friends

False; sometimes they have a lot of friends or a big circle of people because others are afraid of them as well.


What is a digital footprint?

The trail you leave behind that is made up of everything you do online like posting, commenting, gaming, app-interaction, etc.. Everything people do online leaves a trace or a “footprint” that people can track back to you.


What is the difference between teasing and bullying?

Teasing = Is when good friends tease each other about inside jokes.  

Bullying = purposely making someone feel bad.

*Teasing becomes bullying when it's repetitive or when there's a conscious intent to hurt another 


What type of bullying is displayed in the below scenario? 

Anytime Alex wants to sit at the lunch tables Sam and their friends spread out so that there is no space for Alex to sit with them



 Describe two ways you can take a bully's power.

Take a stand as a group, ignore, walk away.....


TRUE OR FALSE: Do friends bully each other?



What is the difference between rumors and gossip?

Rumors=  unverified pieces of information that the person telling the story doesn't necessarily know whether it's true or not 

Gossip=Spreading those rumors 


What is the difference between tattling and reporting?

Tattling is when students are trying to get someone INTO trouble, but when reporting, they are trying to get someone OUT of trouble.


What are the 4 types of bullying?

1. Physical-Hitting, kicking, spitting etc; 

2. Verbal-Name calling, insults,

3. Social-involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships; leaving someone out, gossiping 

4. Cyber-includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else


Name two ways to deal with a bully,

Ignore, walk away, don't show that you are upset, act confident, use humor, stop walk and talk, etc


TRUE OR FALSE: Is cyberbullying illegal in California?

TRUE: Cyberbullying IS a crime in California, and every school in the state is required by law to institute policies against student-on-student bullying and the school must must also outline criteria for when a student may be removed from class, suspended, or expelled from school for engaging in such behavior.


Does "Freedom of Speech" apply to cyberbullying/verbal bullying? Why or why not? 

Free speech is a fundamental yet limited right protected by the U.S. Constitution. The government can punish speech (words and related actions) when it is likely to be immediately dangerous to others. 

The line between protected and illegal speech isn't always clear, meaning that it may be appropriate under certain circumstances to explore a free-speech defense. 
