Standing up to Bullying
Understand Bullying
What does Bullying look like?
Why should you care?

What is a good way to protect yourself from becoming a victim of cyberbullying?

Assume that everything you post online can be seen by anyone, even people you don't know, and at any time. 


Which statement best describes how someone can unintentionally be engaging in bullying?

Laughing at mean comments, spreading gossip or playing along with cruel jokes.


Which of the following statements about bullies and people who are bullied is true?

Although there are certain characteristics that make it more likely, anyone can become a bully or the target of bullying.


What percentage of students ages 12-18 are bullied each year?



Which of the following describes the cyberbullying tactic called "catfishing"?

Deceiving someone by creating a fake identity online.

Which of the following best describes supportive behavior to a victim of bullying?

Listen supportively, assure them that they don't deserve to be hurt, and encourage them to tell an adult who can help.


What does it mean to be a silent bystander?

Someone who witnesses bullying but does nothing to speak up, stop the bullying or assist the person being bullied.


What are some typical signs that someone you know may be a victim of bullying?

Skipping school, cutting or talking about suicide.


Which of the following is NOT true about "sexting" others with private photos or videos?

Sexting only happens when you do not tell someone that they can share private photos with others.


What are some proactive things that a school or community might do to reduce bullying?

Start clubs, blogs or host public awareness campaigns and assemblies to promote respect and tolerance.


How is cyberbullying different than other kinds of bullying?

It takes place of the internet, texting, apps and social media, which can make it harder to escape from than other kinds of bullying.


Which of the following is NOT an example of verbal bullying?

Grabbing someone's cell phone and throwing it in the toilet.


Which of the following are possible long term effects of being bullied?

all of these


What are some common environments/activities where cyberbullying occurs?

Social media and texts


Which of the following is NOT a common warning sign that someone is being bullied?

The person seems to be more social than usual.


How common is bullying for young people between 6th and 12th grade?

Very common, with 28% of young people reporting being bullied.


Which of the following is a good definition of "social bullying"?

When someone purposefully hurts a person's reputation or relationships.


How does bullying affect the chances of someone taking their own life?

It increases the risk of suicide for both bullies and victims.


Which of the following is an example of the cyberbullying tactic know as "trolling"?

Someone posts an angry and sarcastic comment on a photo you posted online, intended to publicly hurt and embarrass you.


Which of the following accurately describes an "upstander"?

An upstander is someone who gets involved and stands up for someone who is being bullied.


What is the difference between an argument and a bullying interaction?

In a bullying interaction, one person has more power and has the intent of hurting the other person in some way.

Which of the following is an example of an act of "physical bullying"?

Pushing someone against a locker an taking their cell phone.


What should you do if someone you know expresses thoughts of self-harm?

Let them know you care, encourage them to seek help, and then tell a trusted adult immediately.
