Name a way to stop a bully
What is telling an adult
or help the victim, or not being a bystander
What can rumors make someone feel?
What is embarrassed.
How do you become an ally?
What is become an upstander!
What are the main consequences of bullying in school?
What is detention?
This is a type of bullying that happens over the internet.
What is cyber bullying.
What is the hotline number to call if bullying is happening?
What is 988
When information is going around and you think it is about you?
What is gossip
What is it called when you start a rumor and tell multiple people?
What is a gossip.
Name a consequence of bullying that gets one kicked out of school?
What is expulsion.
What are three well known types of bullying?
What is cyber, physical, and social bullying.
True or false: Should you tell an adult that you are being bullied?
What is true. Sing like a canary!
What is another word for a rumor that's three words and is a reference to a hot/iced beverage.
What is spilling the tea.
What might cause someone to bully others?
What is they have been bullied too!
What is the consequence of someone who is caught bullying in school.
What is ISS?
What is it called when you bully someone because of their race?
What is racial bullying.
What is the best way to stop a bully?
What is completely ignore them!
What kind of rumor can you sue over?
What is defamation and slander
What is the opposite of Bystander?
What is an upstander.
What is it called when you get involved with the police because of bullying?
What is legal consequences.
What is the word for the type of bullying that involves hitting?
What is physical bullying.
When should you resort to physical reactions to stop a bully?
What is never.
Name two synonyms for the word rumor.
What is Gossip and spill the beans.
How are bullys made?
What is they are hurt...Hurt people hurt people.
What type of bullying is hard to prove?
What is indirect bullying
What form of of bullying spreads gossip and rumors to hurt someone?
What is slander.