How many types of bullying are there?
Physical, Verbal, Social, Cyber
Kicking another student's bookbag on the floor.
Physical bullying
Getting back or getting even with someone who reports to an authority that someone is being bullied/they themselves are being bullied
Give an example of something a bystander could say in a situation to help someone who is being bullied.
"What you are doing is mean."
"It's not okay to treat someone like that"
"That's not a joke and it isn't funny"
You tease another student about her hair. She tells you that your comment hurt her feelings and to stop saying it. You no longer tease her about her hair.
This is considered bullying - true or false?
What is cyber bullying?
It includes social and verbal bullying and is done electronically.
You keep slapping your friend's arm. He tells you to stop because he doesn't like people touching him. You think he is joking so you keep doing it.
Physical bullying
Fill in the blank:
Which of the following are required for actions to be considered bullying?
Actions are ________ and aggressive.
Actions are _______ (or have the potential to be ____).
There is a real or perceived ________ imbalance.
Actions are unwanted and aggressive.
Actions are repeated.
There is a real or perceived power imbalance.
Give two examples of when an imbalance of power is present between two people.
- Popularity
- Access to information
- physical strength
- Control
- Hierarchy
Bobby is repeatedly making fun of Michelle at the bus stop even after she told him to stop. The school cannot do anything about it because it happened outside of the school building.
True or false?
Bullying is not allowed on school grounds, on property adjacent to school grounds, at school sponsored/related activities whether or not they are on school property, at bus stops, on the busses or on other school vehicles.
What is physical bullying?
It is hurting someone else or their belongings.
You are playing Fortnite and message the other player repeatedly saying that his family does not like him.
2 types
Cyber and Verbal
What is it called when bullying causing someone to be uncomfortable enough at school as to make them lose focus, miss class time be unable to concentrate, etc?
Hostile Environment
Give three examples of the effects of bullying on a person.
Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood
Health complaints
Decreased academic achievement and school participation. They are more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school.
Texting private information about someone to embarrass or humiliate them is considered cyber bullying.
What is verbal bullying?
Saying or writing mean things about someone.
You tell everyone, "I heard that no one likes Michelle so no one is going to go to her birthday party on Saturday"
2 types
Verbal and Social bullying
Someone who is present when bullying takes place but does not take part in it
Provide two examples of retaliation
Threatening the person who reported the bullying in any way
Falsely accusing someone of bullying just because you are angry they reported your bullying behavior
Telling people not to be friends with the person who reported bullying anymore because they “told” on you
Calling that person a “snitch!”
Bullying can cause someone to feel depressed or anxious.
True or false?
What is social bullying?
Hurting someone's reputation or relationships.
Making a sexual comment toward a teacher or peer
Verbal bullying
Someone who makes a decision to support another person because it is the right thing to do
Bullying is considered a civil rights violation when someone degrades another person for any of the protected categories. What are these 8 categories?
Give an example of a civil rights violation.
Race, National origin, Religion, Color, Gender, Disability, Age, Sexual Orientation
A student threatens or verbally harasses someone
online while they are at home and the target is
uncomfortable around the aggressor and the
aggressor’s friends here at school.
This student is experiencing a hostile environment. True or false?