Name examples of physical bullying.
Hitting, kicking, punching, tripping, spitting, etc.
What is Cyberbullying?
Electronic communication that is meant to harm someone’s feeling of safety or self-esteem
A friend tells you that they are meeting up with someone they met online. What should you do?
Tell an adult. Tell your friend the dangers of meeting with someone they met online.
Name 3 people to go to if you are being bullied.
Parent, teacher, counselor, or a trusted adult
True or False: Girls are more likely to be victims of Cyberbullying.
True: Girls are about twice as likely to be victims and perpetrators of Cyberbullying.
Name examples of verbal bullying.
name calling, excessive teasing, threats, and put-downs
What should I do if I feel unsafe online?
Block them, report, leave game/leave social media, and tell an adult.
Almost everyday at recess, Tommy wants to come play kickball at recess and John says no. This is an example of verbal bullying: true or false?
you should tell the bully to stop: True or False?
True, if you feel safe.
What is a bully?
Somebody who thinks they have more power and control and is repeatedly targeting an individual or group in a negative way.
Gossiping, spreading rumors, and leaving others out are examples of social bullying: True or False?
What are 2 ways to keep yourself safe online?
Don't share your password, don't respond to the bully, and save all the evidence.
A new kid started at your school this week and he is having trouble fitting in. Some of your friends have been laughing behind his back. Is it bullying? What would you do?
Stand up for the student
Tell an adult
If you are a bystander, what should you do?
Tell the bully to stop and get an adult.
What is a bystander?
Anyone who stands by and watches bullying occur and does nothing to stop it, including reporting the bullying.
Name 3 types of Cyberbullying
Cell Phones, text messages, social media, instant messaging, and gaming systems
What is an example of a red flag?
Mary posts a picture of Sally on Facebook and other people started to comment on the picture making fun of Sally. Is Mary participating in Cyberbullying?
No, Mary is not participating because she did not mean any harm to Sally when she posted the picture.
True of False: You should stay home from school if you are being bullied.
Anyone who is observing bullying happening and takes the efforts to try and stop the bullying, such as telling an adult.
Name the 4 types of bullying.
Verbal, Social, Physical, and Cyberbullying
Why should you be cautious about what you post online?
Anything you post online can be saved, screenshotted, or copied. Colleges and Employers can look at your social media accounts.
Give an example of social bullying.
Leaving someone out of a group
Spreading rumors
What should you not do when trying to stop a bully?
Be physical with the bully
Call the bully names