What is the bullying that occurs online or through technology?
What is bullying?
Intentional physical, verbal, or social aggression. It's often repeated over time and occurs when there's a real or perceived power imbalance. (Any similar answer may be accepted)
Should we be kind just sometimes or all the time?
All of the time
Bullying is ok as long as no one finds out.
False. No bullying is ever ok if someone is getting hurt physically or emotionally.
What is the school mascot?
What is an example of:
physical bullying?
verbal bullying?
Physical: pushing, shoving, punching, etc.
Verbal: Teasing, putdowns, cruel criticism, name calling
What is cyberbullying?
The use of technology to harass, threaten, or intimidate another person.
Is this fair or unfair: Pushing someone when they are in your way and you want to advance in the line.
Unfair and impolite
Bullying can only occur in school.
False. Bullying can not only occur at school, but also outside of school (Park, mall, home, etc.)
What is the principal's name?
Principal Stevens
Name three types of bullying done in person?
Physical bullying
Relational bullying
Verbal bullying
What is an upstander?
Someone who stands up for a person being bullied.
How does kindness make our school better?
It makes people feel good/safe, it improves school culture, it boosts student learning (Various answers accepted)
Bullying only occurs in middle and high school.
False. Bullying can occur in elementary through adulthood.
What Trimester are we in right now?
Trimester 3
What are the three things an upstander (someone who does something about bullying) can do to help someone being bullied?
Support, Speak Up, Get Help
What is a bystander?
Anyone who's aware that bullying is happening.
Say something kind to one of your classmates!
People choose sometimes to be upstanders because they want to stand up to bullies.
What are our school colors?
Blue and Yellow!
There are six ways to respond to cyberbullying. Name 3 of them.
Block, Report, Don't Share, Document, Support, Don't Retaliate
Define Verbal Bullying:
Verbal Bullying: saying or writing mean things about someone.
Is it acceptable to be mean or disrepectful when you are having a bad day?
No, use a coping strategy instead.
Maya is upset at Elizabeth, her friend, she decides to tell her classmates to not talk to her. The next day, Elizabeth notices some of her classmates ignoring her. This is an example of relational bullying.
True. Maya is attempting to get others to exclude Elizabeth.
List the 4 Core Values and a way you can show one of them.
Curiosity, Resilience, Respect, Leadership