If someone is being mean to you or bullying you, what is one appropriate thing you can do?
Tell them to stop / Walk away / Tell a trusted adult
True or False: All emotions are okay, it's how we ACT on our emotions that is sometimes not okay.
I love board games and my favorite game to play is Dungeons & Dragons.
Mr. Ferrante
I am moving to Maryland in June
Each person on your team needs to stand up and touch their toes
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If you see someone else getting bullied or picked on, what is one appropriate thing you can do?
Tell the person to stop / Tell a trusted adult / Help support the person being bullied.
Frustrated. Angry.
I own a red and white Vespa (moped) and ride it to school sometimes.
Mrs. Zoller
I have two crazy brothers that I love very much
Each person needs to do one push-up. From toes, knees, against desk, or against wall.
Half Done=100
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Give and example of physical bullying.
Hitting, Punching, Pushing, Slapping, Tripping. Throwing things at a person.
Sad. Bored.
I have four kids and live in Lancaster
Mrs. Fay
I have one older sister and went to many of the boys basketball games
Everyone needs to do 10 air squats
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Give an example of emotional bullying
Swearing at, Calling names, Making jokes, Insulting, Making fun of, Embarrassing.
Describe something that makes you feel loved.
Various answers
I have one daughter and lived in NH for a while.
Mrs. Coey
I like to play Roblox and I like to eat a lot of candy.
Every team member has to do 10 Jumping Jacks
Half Done=200
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Give an example of bullying on social media
Posting an embarrassing picture or comment about someone. Leaving a mean or insulting comment on someone elses post.
Describe something that would make you feel welcome or included.
Various answers
I like to drink Mountain Dew
I have a cat and live in Bolton
Mrs. Henderson
I have a sister. I live in Lancaster. My birthday is in July.
Each team member has to show the class their favorite dance move
Half Done=250
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