Hurting someone's body or possessions.
What is Physical Bullying?
If Tori and Lamaya always spread rumors about Chad.
What is Relational bullying?
The use of technology to harass, threaten or intimidate another person.
What is online (cyber) bullying?
Anyone who is aware bullying is happening.
What is a bystander?
Saying or writing mean things about someone.
What is Verbal bullying?
This is required for aggression to be considered bullying.
What is repeated?
Being kind to a victim of bullying. Ask what they need or offer to help make a plan for responding.
What is support?
Someone who stands up for a person being bullied.
What is an upstander?
Hurting someone's reputation or relationships.
What is Relational (social) bullying?
If Malik teases Khyri for dropping a pass at recess.
What is joking around?
Not liking, commenting, or reposting a social media post intended to harm someone else.
What is don't share?
Telling someone to chill out and leave someone alone.
What is speaking up?
Making fun of how someone looks or what they wear a lot.
What is verbal bullying?
If someone is physically bigger, older, more popular, etc.
What is a power imbalance?
Not reacting to an online post, and not making a hurtful post about someone who has been a cyberbully.
What is don't retaliate?
Telling on someone because you want them to get in trouble for something that does not negatively affect you.
What is snitching?
Regularly taking someone's pencil.
What is physical bullying?
Having bad thoughts, feeling afraid to go to school, and low self-esteem.
What are the affects of bullying?
Download and save or print evidence of online bullying.
What is document?
Helping the victim, the bully, and the entire community by letting a trusted adult know about bullying or harassment.
What is reporting?
The three R's of Bully Prevention
What are Recognize, Report, and Refuse.