Types of Bullying
What would you do?
Roles in the Bullying

What is the name of the type of bullying that happens when someone hurts someone else with their actions?

Physical Bullying


A girl in your class is repeatedly saying rude words about how your friend looks. They say things like "you are ugly", "your clothes look like garbage", and more. What would you do?

Tell a teacher about the problem, stand up to the girl saying the rude comments and talk about their behavior, and support your friend.


Define Bully

Someone who harms and hurts someone else's feelings or body continuously.


What are all the types of bullying that we have talked about?

Physical Bullying,Verbal Bullying,Social Bullying,Cyber Bullying, and Racial Bullying


What is the name of the type of bullying that happens when someone hurts someone else's reputation or relationships with other people?

 Social Bullying


A student got a higher mark than you did for a test. They tease you about it and make fun of you for not being as "smart as them". What would you do?

Tell a teacher about the situation, tell the student to stop, and try to stay calm so that you don't accidentally say anything or do anything offensive or rude back to them. 


Define Bystander

Someone who watches the bullying take place or hears about it but doesn't do anything about stop it.


How can a bystander become an upstander?

They can become an upstander by standing up to the bully, helping the victim get away from the bully, or telling a trusted adult, like your teacher or parent about what happened.


What type of bullying occurs when someone hurts someone else's feelings with their words?

Verbal Bullying


Charlotte asked a new group of people if she could eat lunch with them today at school. The people at the group told her to go away and that they didn't want to sit with her which made her upset.What would you do?

Call Charlotte over to sit with you for lunchtime and tell the group that told her to go away that they should be more kind and inclusive.


Define Upstander

Someone who watches the bullying take place or hears about it but chooses to help the person being bullied and stop the bullying.


How might the victim of the bully feel if he/she is getting bullied?

Upset, Angry,Lonely,Embarrassed


What type of bullying occurs when someone uses technology to hurt, scare, embarrass, or target someone else?

Cyber Bullying


Some people in your class are being unkind to a boy in your class. You think that the boy is a nice person and consider the boy as your friend. What would you do?

Ask the people to stop bullying the boy, tell the people to stop their rude behaviour, and continue being friends with the boy.


Define Target/Victim

Someone who is being harmed and hurt by the bully.


Why might someone bully another person?

Bullies might want to be more dominating than others so that they could feel better, might be a victim of another bully as well, might be feeling angry so they are using bullying as a strategy to get rid of that anger, and more.


What type of bullying happens when someone hurts someone else by offending their race or skin colour?

Racial Bullying


Lucas just came to Canada from China. Some students in his class make fun of his accent and pronunciation of his words because it is not as good as some other students in the class.What would you do?

Help Lucas with his pronunciation and tell the people making fun of Lucas's accent that what they're doing isn't kind and that they should stop.


Define Supporter

Someone who supports the bully and their actions but doesn't start the bullying or take part in it.


What  is bullying?

Bullying is a continuous action that someone does in order to hurt someone else's feelings or body.
