Can you name a type of physical bullying?
Bullying that involves hurting a person's body or belongings. Examples: punching, hitting, kicking, breaking or stealing someone's belongings.
True/ or False: Only boys physically bully others. (punching, hitting, kicking).
True or False: Bullying is an action meant to hurt someone else and involves a power imbalance.
Give me the 3 steps you should take if you are being bullied.
1. Stop: Tell the bully to stop assertively- use their name & make eye contact. 2. Walk: Walk away or try to ignore. Don't pay attention to the bully. 3. Report: Talk to a trusted adult.
True or False: Name calling, teasing, and nicknames that are unwanted and repeated are a type of bullying.
True, this is called verbal bullying.
Explain what role a bystander plays in bullying.
A bystander is a person who may see the bullying happen or hears about it later. A bystander has a lot of power to help stop the bullying by helping the target.
True or False: If you see physical bullying happening (fighting, pushing, hitting, kicking, etc.) you should go over and try to break up the fight.
FALSE! Get help from an adult and do not put yourself in an unsafe situation.
What should you do if someone tells you to STOP?
Explain how cyber/online bullying is different from other types of bullying.
Cyber/online bullying happens through the use of technology (cell phone, computer, video game system).
Tell me all 3 roles that people play in bullying & explain them.
Bully: someone who hurts another person on purpose over and over again. Bystander: someone who sees a bullying situation happening or hears about it later. Target/Victim: someone is being hurt over and over again.
You are part of a group chat and some of the other kids start picking on a classmate of yours. What kind of bullying is this?
Cyber Bullying
Why do people bully others?
Bullies often have big feelings (anger, loneliness, jealousy) and they take it out on others to try to help themselves feel better, more powerful, and to gain social power (popularity) and attention.
True or False: Leaving someone out on purpose is a type of bullying.
Tell me 3 things a bystander could do to help stop bullying.
1. Refuse: Tell the bully to STOP, use the bully's name and make eye contact. 2. Support/Balance: help the target walk away from the bully, invite the target to play. 3. Report to a trusted adult to get help.
Name 3 trusted adults you could report bullying to?
name of 3 adults at home, school, or community
What is empathy?
Empathy is understanding how others would feel in a certain situation.
False. You don't always have to agree!
What are the 3 R's of Bullying?
Recognize, Report, Refuse
Explain what it means to "Balance" as a way to refuse bullying.
Balancing is when you say or do something kind for someone who is being bullied to show them support and to show the bully that you are not participating.
Why are bystanders so important?
Bystanders often hold more power than adults because peers (other kids or people in your group) will follow what you choose because they want to be included and like the others in the group.