Bullying is when someone is mean to you one time. T or F?
Saying or writing mean things, posting mean photos or taking screen shots and sharing them what type of bullying?
Cyber bullying
Hitting, kicking, stealing, vandalizing, is what type of bullying?
Bullying only happens at school. T or F?
False, it can happen anywhere
When someone says something on accident and apologizes that's bullying. T or F?
Bullying is against the law in all 50 states. T or F?
Is this being a good friend? A new student started at your school this week. He is having trouble adjusting and you see your friends laughing at them and behind his back. You tell your friends they need to stop.
Yes, you are telling your friends they need to stop.
We should do nothing if we see or are experiencing bullying. T or F?
False, if it is continuously happening you should do something about the situation.
Spreading rumors or lies about someone is bullying if it is repeated. T or F?
Conflict or Bullying? Tommy and Brad are good friends. They get into a fight over a play station game.
Conflict, they are just disagreeing on their game.
What are four main types of bullying?
Social/emotional, physical, verbal, and cyber bullying
Name 3 people you can tell if you see bullying
Teacher, parents/guardians, principal, responsible adults
Excluding others on purpose is what type of bullying?
Everyone has seen or experienced bullying AT LEAST once in their life? T or F?
True! Almost all kids see bullying happen at some point.
How can bullying be prevented?
Answers will vary.
1. Always be kind to others
2. Follow rules/policies
3. Create a safe space
Describe 2 things you can do if you see bullying happen
Answers will vary (ex-talk to an adult, be kind and include the person being bullied, stand up for them.)
When someone intentionally says mean/hurtful things repeatedly, it is what type of bullying?
Verbal Bullying
What are some feelings we may feel if we are being bullied?
Answers will vary, and can include: Sad, frustrated, confused, upset.
What can you do if you tell the bully to stop and they continue?
Try something new such as talking to a trusted adult or friend.
What strategies can you use when you are being bullied?
1. Tell an adult
2. Remain calm
3. Walk away
(Answers will vary)
Bullying is:
Repeated behavior that is purposeful and harmful. It involves the misuse of power by an individual and/or group towards one or more people.
Why do bullies bully?
There are different reasons why people bully, including examples such as wanting control or wanting to feel better about themselves.
When bullying occurs, what 3 people/positions are involved?
1. The target
2. The bully
3. Bystanders/Witnesses
When a group is watching an act of bullying (ex: a fight), what are three different reactions/outcomes?
1. People who see what’s happening and then walk away
2. People who continue watching, but say nothing
3. People who cheer on the event.
List 3 ways you can show kindness to other people
Answers will vary
Examples: Offer to help someone, compliment someone, words of encouragement.