Bullying is when someone is mean to you one time. True of False?
Saying or writing mean things, posting mean photos or taking screen shots and sharing them what type of bullying?
cyber bullying
hitting, kicking, stealing, vandalizing, is what type of bullying?
What are some reasons someone may bully?
Dealing with other things in their personal life
To feel good by themselves
True or False?
When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it repeatedly, that's bullying
False -- but help is needed!
Bullying is against the law in all 50 states. T or F?
What is an Upstander?
A person who speaks or acts in support of an individual or cause, particularly someone who intervenes on behalf of a person being attacked or bullied.
Bullying is:
repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behavior that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an individual and/or group towards one or more people.
leaving someone out on purpose is bullying if it is repeated
What is a bystander?
A person who is present at an event or incident but does not take part or help.
What are the four (4) components of a true bullying situation?
Hurtful, intentional, repeated, and imbalance of power.
Name 3 people you can tell if you see bullying
teacher, parents, principal, responsible adults
Telling someone who they can or can not be friends with is what type of bullying?
True or False?
Everyone has seen or experienced bullying ATLEAST once in their life?
True! Almost all kids see bullying happen at some point.
How can bullying be prevented?
Answers will vary.
1. Always be kind to others
2. Follow rules/policies
3. Create a safe space
4. Parents/Teachers should listen to kids concerns
Describe 2 things you can do if you see bullying happen
Answers will vary
When someone intentionally says mean/hurtful things repeatedly, it is what type of bullying?
Verbal Bullying
What are some serious effects of being bullied?
Answers will vary, and can include: low self esteem, lack of confidence and friendships, thoughts of wanting to hurt self or someone else, depression, anxiety, suicide.
True or False:
Destroying/ruining some ones reputation or relationship through rumors, etc. can be bullying
What strategies can you use when you are being bullied?
2. Remain calm
3. Do not engage in harmful behavior in retaliation
4. Utilize coping strategies
5. Mediation with trusted staff
What is one sign of a healthy relationship/friendship?
1. We get to be ourselves.
2. We can say 'no' and it is respected.
3. We treat each other well.
4. We have fun.
Define harassment and provide an example:
Harassment is repeated unwelcome conduct that can be based on race, color, religion, or sexual preference.
When bullying occurs, what 3 people/positions are involved?
1. The target
2. The bully
3. Bystanders/Witnesses
When a group is watching an act of bullying (ex: a fight), what are three different reactions/outcomes?
1. People who see what’s happening and then walk away
2. People who continue watching, but say nothing
3. People who cheer on the violence.
List 4 acts of bullying?
1. Hitting
2. Posing a threat
3. Hate Speech
4. Name Calling
5. Harassment
6. ETC