Molly and Amara have been best friends. Amara and Molly got into and argument and Amara now claims that Julie is her best friend. Molly is hurt. Is this bullying?
No (It is ok to change friends as long as you are not mean to them)
What is a bystander?
Anyone who knows about bullying.
What is behind-the-back bullying.
Bullying that occurs when the bullying and victim are not physically in one another's presence.
What is the definition of bullying?
Bullying is when one or more people are repeatedly harm, intimidate, or harass, or exclude another others. It is unfair and one-sided.
A group of 3rd grade girls calls Sarah names, start rumors and encourage others not to talk to her. Is this Bullying?
It is bullying ( It is on purpose, mean, and unfair)
Name three ways bystanders can be part of the problem.
Laughing, joining in, doing nothing, watching
What is face-to-face bullying?
Bullying that occurs when the victim and the bully are physically in one anothers presence.
What does one-sided mean in terms of bullying?
It means one person is repeatedly being mean to another person and the other person is not doing anything back.
A 3rd grade student keeps pushing a 1st grade student on the playground.
It is bullying (It is repeated, unfair, on purpose, mean)
Name one way a bystander can be part of the solution.
Tell an adult, support the victim, tell the bully to stop
Name two examples of behind-the-back bullying.
Gossip, rumors, cyber bullying, calling someone mean names behind their back
Name one way bullying can be unfair?
Age, size, popularity, money, number if people in the group
Jeff attempted to stop Lena from harassing another student. Lena turned and hit Jeff in the face. Peers began teasing him daily and even his math teacher got involved. In front of the class, the teacher asked Jeff “how does it feel to be hit by a girl?” Is this bullying?
It is bullying (It is repeated on purpose and mean)
Who plays the biggest role in stopping bullying?
Bystanders. Research shows that when bystanders help stop bullying it almost always stops.
Name three examples of face-to-face bullying.
Hitting, pushing, kicking, calling names
What does it mean to exclude another person?
Leave someone out on purpose.
Jamie does not like Jillian. One day at recess, Jamie decides to not let Jillian play with her and the other girls in the class. This is bullying. True or false?
False. It is not repeated.
As a bystander, what does the following quote mean:
"You are either part of the problem or part of solution."
If you are not actively doing something to stop the bullying, you are part of the problem.
What is cyberbullying?
Bullying that occurs using technology. It must also be mean, one-sided, repeated, on purpose, and unfair.
What does it mean for bullying to be repeated?
It has to happen more than once.