Name the Bullying
True or False
What would you do?

***Double Points***

What is the bullying that occurs online? Name 3 technology devices used for this. 


Computer, cell phone, lap top, game systems


What is being mean?

When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they do it once, that’s MEAN!


One of your classmates, George, is much bigger, taller and physically stronger than the rest of the class. You have seen George pass notes to other people in the class. The notes say, “You are going to get it if you do not do what I want at lunchtimes.” You have seen George kicking and pushing other students over.

Physical bullying


Bullying is ok as long as no one finds out. 

False. No bullying is ever ok if someone is getting hurt physically or emotionally.


You walk around the corner and hear someone threatening to beat up another student if the student tells on him. What would you do?

Various Answers


What is an example of:

physical bullying?

verbal bullying?

Physical: Hitting, Kicking, Pinching, Spitting, Tripping, Pushing someone or even threatening to do it, Pulling hair, Stealing, hiding or ruining someone’s things, Making someone do things he or she doesn’t want to do, Making mean or rude hand gestures

Verbal: Teasing, Calling names, Inappropriate comments, Spreading rumors, Threatening somebody, Making fun of others, Taunting


What is cyberbullying?

The use of technology to harass, threaten, or intimidate another person. 


What type of bullying is it?

***Triple Points***

There is a new student, Layla, in your class. Layla is from another country, and she is still learning the English language. During the lunch break, you notice some students making fun of the way that Layla speaks and sounds. You also hear them making fun of Layla’s surname. This is happening on a daily basis and Layla begins to tear up.

Social Bullying


Conflict and bullying are a normal part of life.

False. Conflict can be seen as normal, bullying should never be seen as normal


***Double Points***

You walk up to a group of popular kids and they're telling stories about another student's family. These stories are not nice, and you know they're not true. What would you do?

Various Answers


Name three types of bullying done in person?

Physical bullying

Social bullying

Verbal bullying


***Triple Points***

What is bullying?

When a person or group do something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it even when you tell them to stop or show them that you’re upset

They use their power to intimidate, hurt, oppress or damage someone else (they think they are better than you  or treat you badly)


Jake keeps getting told mean names while on this game site. He tries to ignore them but keep happening what type of bullying is this?



If there is bullying at school the principal handles it.

True. The principal will always need to do the investigation.  


While walking home from school, you witness a physical fight. Your friend tells you to record it with your cell phone. What would you do?

Various Answers


Give two reasons why people bully.

  • Power

  • Strength

  • Make someone do what they want

  • They are victims of bullying themselves

  • Some may have a hard time making friends

  • They are going through something at home


What is being rude and provide two examples.

When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once that’s RUDE!


Stephanie's classmate makes fun of her new glasses. The next day she makes fun of her clothes. Stephanie tells her classmate to stop. The classmate stops but a week later continues. What is this type of bullying?

Verbal Bullying



Bystanders stand up to bullying and upstanders don't because they fear to get bullied. 

False. Upstanders stand up to bullying. 


You're hanging out with a group of friends, and a student walks up to your group to join in. One of your friends makes a rude comment to that student, and the student leaves. What would you do?

Various Answers


There are six ways to respond to cyberbullying. Name 5 of them. 

Block, Report, Don't Share, Document, Support, Don't Retaliate, or leave the site



Social bullying?

Verbal bullying?

Social Bullying: Judging or discriminating against someone who is not the same as you.

Verbal Bullying: calling someone a name or teasing him or her. 


A student, Michael, has told you that he has been experiencing bullying behavior by a group of students while on the bus traveling to and from school. The group of students say mean things about Michael’s family, the clothes Michael wears and his favorite football team. What type of bullying is it?

Verbal bullying


Maya is upset at Elizabeth, her friend, she decides to tell her classmates to not talk to her. The next day, Elizabeth notices some of her classmates ignoring her. This is an example of social bullying. 

True. Maya is attempting others to exclude Elizabeth.


As you walk to class, you see a boy knock a kid's books out of his hands. You've seen him do this several other times. What would you do?

Various Answers
