Bullying is when someone is mean to you one time...
True or False?
What is fale?
Who visits you on Easter Eve?
What is the Easter Bunny?
Saying or writing mean things, posting mean things or taking screen shots and sharing them are what type of bullying....
What is cyber bullying?
What is the name of the mythical creature who is said to deliver Easter eggs and candy to children's homes?
Who is the Easter Bunny?
Hitting, kicking, stealing, vandalizing, is what type of bullying....
What is physical?
Bullying is against the law in all 50 states.....
True or False
What is True?
What do you typically use to collect Easter Eggs...
What is an Easter basket?
What are 3 examples of physical bullying...
What are:
1. Hitting
2. Hitting
3. Tripping
In what city does the largest Easter egg hunt in the world take place annually....
What is London, England?
Repeated verbal, social, physical, or psychological behavior that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an individual or groups towards one or more people....
What is bullying?
What are the four components of a true bullying situation...
What are hurtful, intentional, repeated and imbalance of power?
Who brought the Easter Bunny tradition to America..
Who are the Germans?
Name 3 people you can tell if you see bullying...
Who are:
Teacher, parents, principals, adults
In many cultures, what color is often associated with Easter eggs to represent new life and growth....
What is green?
Telling someone who they can or cannot be friends with is what type of bullying...
What is Social bullying?
Describe 2 things you can do if you see bullying happen....
What are?
What holiday does Easter always compete with for Chocolate sales?
What is Halloween?
When someone intentionally says mean/hurtful things repeatedly, it is what type of bullying...
What is verbal bullying?
How many eggs does the average hen lay in a year...
What is 300?
What are some side effects of being bullied....
What is low self-esteem, lack of confidence and friendships, thoughts of wanting to hurt self or someone else, depression, anxiety and suicide.
What is one sign of a healthy friendship....
What are:
We get to be ourselves'
We can say NO and it is respected.
What holiday do people tend to buy the most candy/chocolate for.....
What is Easter?
What is verbal bullying....
What is name calling, teasing, putting someone down or threatening to cause harm to them.
What part of the chocolate Easter bunny do most people eat first.....
What are the ears?
When bullying occurs, what 3 people/positions are involved.....
What is:
1. The target
2. The bully
3. Bystanders/witnesses