In which year Mexican Independece started?
Which is bigger the atom or the molecule?
The molecule
Portugal's Capital City
Which sport does Rafael Nadal practise?
How many musical notes exist?
7 Natural Sounds 7 12 Total
Name 2 of the most imprortant ancient civilizations in America that were located in Mexico
Aztecs and Mayans
Name of the item used to look at the stars
In which latin american country is located "Cristo Redentor"?
Which sport is known as "the king of the sports"?
Which are the names of the 2 main characters in Titanic movie?
Rose and Jack
Where were dropped the first atomic bombs in combat?
Hiroshima and Nagasiki
Who's known as the father of the modern science?
Galilelo Galilei
Sea that limits with countries like: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Colombia and Panama
Caribbean / Antilles Sea
National team that won Brazil's 2014 World Cup
Who wrote the book "Journey to center of the Earth"?
Jules Verne
In honor to which Pharaoh, Giza pryamids where built?
Biology branch that studies plants
Botany / Phytology
In which city is located Harvard University?
Biggest Vince Lomabrdi's trophee winners in the NFL? (Teams)
Steelers / Patriots
Mexican most famous muralist in history
Diego Rivera
In which island Napoleon was born?
Corcica Island
The most expensive metal in the world
In which mexican locality is the biggest pyramid in the world?
Cholula, Puebla
The most winner athlete in history?
Phelps, Bolt, Brady, Schumacher/Hamilton, etc.
Whose Shakespeare character said this: "Be or not to be, is the question meaning"