What is the Density of water?
1 gram per milliliter
What is the formula for Density?
Density = Mass / Volume
What is the definition of Density?
The measurement of how much mass a substance contains within a given volume.
What happens the further you push a basketball under water?
It's buoyant force causes it to increasingly resist being pushed further under water.
In other words, the further one pushes the ball under water, the harder it is to push.
What is the definition of force?
Something that causes a change in the motion of an object.
At what Density does an object sink in water?
Above 1 gram per milliliter
What is the density of an object of mass 0.25kg and a volume of 0.125m3
What is the definition of Volume?
The amount of space an object takes up.
What kind of buoyancy does an object have if it floats?
Positive Buoyancy
What is Archimedes’ Principle?
The buoyant force acting on an object equals the weight of the fluid displaced.
At what density does an object float in water?
Less than 1 gram per milliliter
What is the volume of an object of mass 2kg and a density of 8kg/m3
What is the definition of Buoyancy?
The tendency of a material to rise or float in a liquid.
What happens to the density of an object as it is heated?
It’s density decreases
What are the two forces acting on a submerged object?
Gravitational Force and Buoyant Force
What units do we use to measure Density?
Grams per milliliter, g/mL and Grams per Cubic Centimeter, g/cm3
determine the density if a sphere of radius 3m and a mass of 113kg
What is the definition of weight?
The downward force of gravity acting on mass.
How can two objects made of the same material have the same mass but different density?
The objects have different volume.
Why is Density important to a ship builder?
They would need to know how to design a ship with a volume and density that would allow the ship to float on water. With and without cargo.
Buoyant Force is measured in what?
What is the density of a cylindrical block of material of mass 1570g. Its height is 5m and its diameter is 2m.
What is the definition of Buoyant Force?
The upward force exerted on an object submerged in fluid.
What kind of buoyancy does an object have if it neither sinks nor floats?
Neutral Buoyancy
How does a hot air balloon float in air?
When the temperature inside the balloon rises, the gas expands and becomes less dense than the surrounding air.