Basic Structure
Executing the Law
Keeping the Bureaucracy Accountable
Double Jeopardy

Name three cabinet departments.

Department of Defense, Education, Energy, Interior, State, Treasury, Justice, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Veteran's Affairs, Homeland Security


Members of the Securities Exchange Commission testified before Congress about the investigation of potential financial crimes by a publicly traded company. This hearing is an example of what power by Congress?

Congressional oversight of executive agencies


What is the purpose of Congressional Committee Hearings?

1. To provide oversight over the Executive Branch

2. To investigate and provide accountability

3. To provide transparency

4. To create/develop policy

5. To fulfill constitutional responsibilities


What is the 22nd Amendment?

Prohibited anyone from being elected president more than two times (presidential term limits)


Who is the only president to serve more than two terms?

Franklin D. Roosevelt


Who nominates heads of the cabinet?

President then confirmed by the Senate


What is one of the reasons stated in Federalist 70 that argued for a single president?

1. Can respond quickly to crises, enforcing the laws, and maintaining national security

2. Know who is accountable

3. Prevent confusion, division, and delays (as opposed to have 'plurality of the executive')


True or False: Congress funds bureaucratic agencies and the agency cannot spend money until authorized to do so.

True! This is called the Power of the Purse


What is delegated discretionary authority?

the bureaucracy is delegated authority to enforce laws. They have the discretion of how and when to enforce laws


Which presidential assassination led to the reforming of the patronage system?

President Garfield 

In our simulation, there were two agencies that concerned Bears Ears National Monument. Name one of those two agencies. 

Double your points if you can name the Department the agency is part of.

Bureau of Land Management --> Department of Interior

Forest Service --> Department of Agriculture


Fill in the blank (Outcome, Directives, Vague): Bureaucrats are given _______________, which explains what the _______________ should be but the details on how to do it are __________________.

Directives. Outcome. Vague.


True or False: The Supreme Court's Chevron decision was an example of a check on the bureaucracy by overturning precedent on regulations.

True. The Supreme Court issued a decision that overturned the precedent that we should defer to the experts when creating regulations.


What is bureaucratic rule-making?

Guidelines issued by government agencies, which provide specific details about how a policy will be implemented.


To overcome a filibuster, what motion can the Senate file?

Motion for Cloture


Give an example of an Independent Regulatory Commission.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Securities Exchange Commission (SEC)

They were created for the specific purpose of regulation some aspect of society


Which of the following is likely to occur as a result of new legislation regarding airline safety?

a. The Supreme Court will be asked to review it annually

b. States will be empowered to begin airplane manufacturing

c. The Department of Transportation will be given discretionary authority to create airline regulations

d. Mandatory spending will be required in all future federal budgeting for the program.

c. The Department of Transportation will be given discretionary authority to create airline regulations

What act protects bureaucrats from being fired?

Pendleton Civil Service Act


What is political patronage?

Filling positions based on support rather than merit


Which bureaucratic agency collects your taxes?

Internal Revenue Service


Describe a government corporation.

Hybrid between a government agency and a private business

Examples: United States Postal Service, Amtrak


When is it most likely that a president will issue an executive order?

When Congress refuses to take action or is divided along ideological lines


True or False: The president cannot fire and appoint new heads of agencies because this is the job of Congress.

False. As a formal power of the president, the president has the right to fire and appoint new heads of agencies at will.


What is executive privilege?

Defines the authority of the President to withhold documents or information in their possession or in the possession of the Executive Branch from the Legislative or Judicial Branch of the government --> THIS POWER IS NOT UNLIMITED


Name a bureaucrat/bureaucratic agency that you interact with regularly.

USPS - deliver your mail

Public School Employees

TSA - airport security
