Were they able to bring home the treasure? why?
No, because it was a tree with writings on it.
What is the title of the story?
Treasure Hunt
Where was Danny and Susie going?
The were going to school
Explain the statement" The stories were exciting, and Susie, Danny, and Fred let their minds run wild."
They use their imagination
who drive them around to try to find the treasure?
Danny's parents
In the bush
Do you think they enjoyed the treasure hunt? Why?
Answers vary.
What is the title of the book they found?
Buried Treasure
How many children were in the car?
What are their names?
Describe Susie’s character. What evidence from the text helps you describe her?
Susie is adventurous. Susie found something under the bushes, which led to the treasure hunt adventure with her friends.
answers vary
What is this word?
Teacher will state if the word is correct
What would be your own ending to the story?
Answers vary
Explain the steps taken to reach treasure.
The trail started at the pool in the middle of town, the Fred directed them to turn left by the pool, and head towards the library
They turned right by the grocery store, and stopped at the park.
The tree trunk
What does “anxiously awaited” mean in the 4th paragraph? How do you know?
Anxiously awaited means full of nervousness or anticipation. The friends could not wait for recess to start so they could look through the book they found.
What was written on the tree?
“The best treasure is a good adventure with good friends!”