Too & Enough
Ones & One

Is this correct? IF not, how can you correct this?

TV is gooder than reading books. 

TV is better than reading books.


Is this correct? If not, how can you correct it?

This backpack is big enough to fit all of my books. 

Yes, this sentence is correct. 


True or False.

One is plural and ones is singular.

False. One is singular and ones is plural.


Please define these words and use them all in one sentence.

(Return & Benefit)

Return:The process of sending back a purchased item to the seller, usually because it is defective or not as described. 

Benefit: An advantage or positive outcome gained from a purchase, such as satisfaction or savings.
"When I return an item, the benefit is that I can get my money back."


Who is the artist in our class?



Answer the question using comparatives.

(Good) chocolate or vanilla

Chocolate is better than vanilla

Vanilla is better than chocolate 


True or False

The adjective goes in the same place for too and enough sentences

Too = after the adjective

Enough = before the adjective


Choose the correct answer

The cell phone is great.
It's too expensive. I want to buy that one/ones

The cell phone is great.
It's too expensive. I want to buy that one.


Please define these words and use them all in one sentence.

(Utilities, Transportation, Healthcare)

  • Utilities: Services such as electricity, water, gas, and internet that are necessary for daily living.

  • Transportation: The means of moving people or goods from one place to another, including public transport and personal vehicles.

  • Healthcare: The maintenance or improvement of health through medical services, including doctor visits and medications.

    "I need to budget for utilities, transportation, and healthcare each month. "

Who is AMAZINGLY good at knitting? 



Answer the question using comparatives.

(Dangerous) bicycles or motorcycles. 

Motorcycles are more dangerous than bicyles.


Fill in the blanks with too or enough

The backpack is a good size and a nice color. But it's _______ expensive. I found a cheaper one online that was big ___________ for all of my kid's things.

The backpack is a good size and a nice color. But it's too expensive. I found a cheaper one online that was big enough for all of my kid's things.


Choose the correct answer. 

1. Did you wash my jeans?
Which one/ones?

2. Can you recommend a good book?
I think you'll like this one/ones. 

1. Did you wash my jeans?
Which ones?

2. Can you recommend a good book?
I think you'll like this one.


Please define these words and use them all in one sentence.

(Survey, Deal with, Drawback)

Survey - A method of gathering information or opinions from a group of people, often used to understand preferences or satisfaction levels. 

Deal with - To handle or manage a situation, problem, or task. 

Drawback-A disadvantage or negative aspect of something. 

"In a survey about online shopping, many customers deal with the drawback of high shipping costs. "


Who was just in Houston and Tennessee? 



Choose the correct sentences.

- The bus is more cheap than the subway.
- The bus is cheaper than the subway.

- Her son is taller than her daughter.
- Her son is more taller than her daughter. 

The bus is cheaper than the subway.

Her son is taller than her daughter. 


Correct the error in the sentences

1. The store too crowded.

2. I take the subway because the us is fast enough. 

1. The store is too crowded.

2. I take the subway because the bus is not fast enough.


Correct the error in the sentences

1. The tablet is expensive. "Let's look for a cheaper ones"

2. There are plants on sale. "Which one?"

1. The tablet is expensive. "Let's look for a cheaper one"

2. There are pants on sale. "Which ones"


Please define these words and use them all in one sentence. 

(Store brand, On sale, Receipt)

Store Brand - A product that is sold under the name of a specific store rather than a well-known brand. 

On Sale - A term used to describe items that are being offered at a reduced price for a limited time. 

Receipt - A document provided by a seller to a buyer, confirming that payment has been made for goods or services.

"The store brand cereal was on sale, and I kept the receipt to return it if I didn’t like it. "


Name all of the languages spoken in our classroom


- Japanese
- Turkish


Create your own sentences using comparatives.
3 members of your group must create sentences. 

(Easy) (Difficult) (Interesting) (Nice)

All Answers


Create your own sentences using too & enough.

3 members of your group must create sentences.

All answers


Create your own sentences using one & ones.

3 members of your group must create sentences.

All answers


Please define these words and use them all in one sentence. 

Deductions, Rate, Employees

Deductions - Money that comes out of a paycheck for taxes

Rate - How much money you are paid per hour / yr

Employees - Workers

"Deductions affect the rate of pay for employees."

Name every person in the classroom, even if they're not here! 

We have 27 people total!
