Clave del éxito
La geografía
Citas (Quotes)
Expresiones para la clase
Batiburrillo (Mishmash)
In English Clave de éxito means
What is Key to Success
The design of these two flags is similar but the colors are reversed.
What are Puerto Rico and Cuba
Ve el mundo por sus ojos. means ...
What is See the world through their eyes.
If I don't know what an object is, I would ask: a. ¿Qué página? b. ¿Cómo se dice? c. ¿Qué es esto?
What is c. ¿Qué es esto?
Which of the following is NOT one of the classroom list of expectations? a. asking to go to the bathroom b. asking for help c. having fun
What is a. asking to go to the bathroom
If I want to succeed in my studies, my regular attendance, or in Spanish ___________ ___________ is necessary.
What is Asistencia regular
Which of these countries are in Central America: Paraguay, El Salvador, Nicaragua, México, Colombia, Panamá.
What are El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panamá.
Completa en español: El mundo es un ___________ abierto y los que no ____________ leen solo una _____________.
What is libro, viajan, página.
If you are confused about something the teacher says in Spanish, which one of the following would you not use: a. Más despacio, por favor b. Tengo una pregunta c. Se me olvidó.
What is c. Se me olvidó
How many of Hillman's 100 Wonders of the world are in países hispanohablantes?
What are nine.
What I must do in English outside of school to contribute to my academic success
What is have adequate time to study
La Républica Dominicana shares this island with Haiti.
What is Hispaniola.
Express in English: El maestro abre la puerta, pero tú debes entrar por ti mismo.
What is The teacher opens the door but you must enter on your own.
If I need help from the teacher I would say: ...
What is Profesora, necesito ayuda, por favor.
Two of the Hillman's Wonders of the World are in España. They are ...
What are La Alhambra and La Mezquita de Córdoba.
Tener ganas de ... means in English
What is to have a strong desire to ...
Which group of countries contains a country that is not in América del Sur? And, which country is it? a) Perú, Chile y Honduras b) Uruguay, Bolivia Y Venezuela c) Colombia, Ecuador y Paraguay d) All of the above?
What is a, and Honduras.
If you want to ask a classmate if you all had homework, you would say, ...
What is ¿Teníamos tarea?
If the teacher says, Abran a la página..., I know she wants me to ...
What is open to the indicated page. (Answers may vary.)
Three of Hillman's Wonders located in países hispanohablantes are natural phenomena. They are: a. Machu Picchu, Teotihuacan and Easter Island b. Chichen Itza, Galápagos Islands and Iguazu Falls c. Galapagos Islands, Iguazu Falls, Amazon Rainforest d. Amazon Rainforest, Easter Island and Iguazu Falls
What is c: Galapagos Islands, Iguazu Falls and Amazon Rainforest
Completa en español con algo lógico: Si tomo en serio los estudios, ...
What is hago la tarea, practico en casa, participo en clase, etc. (answers will vary)
México shares borders with the United States on the north and __________ on the south. a) Panamá b) Guatemala c) Nicaragua d) Costa Rica e) All of the above
What is b. Guatemala
Expresa en español: The one who knows two languages is worth two.
What is El que sabe dos idiomas vale por dos>
If you are having a hard time seeing, you would say, ...
What is No puedo ver.
Which one of the following is not one of the five FL Standards. a. Communications b. Collaborations c. Cultures d. Connections e. Comparisons f. Communities
What is b. Collaborations.