Employee Handbook
Safety & Supervision
GSS Policy
You should know this

Which child do you believe has perfect Attendance?



What is on the 1st  page of the Employee Handbook?

Table of contents


What is the protocol if you need to step out of the classroom but no staff is available to cover your class? 

You take the amount of kids with you to ensure you and your colleague are in ratio.


What is the ratio inside and outside of the building?

Inside ⅙ Outside 1/10


What are 3 things you must do when calling out here at Bushwick? 

Text, Email, Request a day


What 4 trainings must we do every year?

Sexual Harassment, Mandated Reporter, CPR, OCFS (5 Hour Training)


Name 6 holidays Grand Street observes as a holiday


New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day


If you have 115 participants in your program and you guys are going on a trip, How many staff do you need to be in ratio?

At least 20 staff


If you are seeking advancement or change in your workplace who should you contact first for approval? 

Your Program Director


Chain of Command: Who are the 5 people you should speak to if you have an issue in order? 

Mariah, Willie, Jacquana, Amy, Kris


What are all the points that must be filled out on the lesson plan template? 

Title, Subject, Age/grade, Materials, Learning objective, Icebreaker, Key words, Procedure, Reflection/Closing, & Picture.


 What does outside employment/honoraria  means in the employee handbook? 

An employee may hold a job with another organization as long as he or she satisfactorily performs his or her job responsibilities with Grand Street.


If there was a real fire inside of the community center which exit does each group go out of? 

The nearest exit


What type of footwear/clothing is unacceptable here at GSS? 

Slides, flip flops, shorts that aren’t arm length, vulgar or explicit language


Can any staff member prepare dinner for our youth participants and why? 

No. They need to have their food handler’s


What is the start and end day of the pay period?

 Start (Friday) End (Thursday)


Name 5 types of Time off Benefits in the handbook

Vacation, Holidays, Discretionary, Bereavement, Emergency Responder, Jury and witness duty, Military Leave, Military spouse leave, personal, sick, family, bone and marrow and blood donor leave. 


 If you were on a trip and lost a child what is the proper protocol (as far as who you contact)

Local precinct and/or 911, Program Director, Trip (Manager) Lockdown, Parent


 If Autumn’s Mom asked you to bring her home when you get off at 6pm via text. Are you able to just sign her out and bring her home? T/F

False. Shouldn’t make special arrangements with parents (Supervisor should be aware)


What are the 2 relocation sites for Bushwick Hylan? 

257 & Williamsburg


How many doors are in the entire center? 

57 doors


How many pages long is the handbook?  

57 pages


Which one of these statements are false?

Personal cell phone use by staff is discouraged during work hours.

Staff personal cell phones may remain ON in case of an emergency, but must be silenced for the duration of program hours.

Even though staff phones are on silent it can be visible, In case of an Emergency.

Using your cell phone does not allow you to safely and accurately actively supervise participants. 

 Even though staff phones are on silent it can be visible, In case of an Emergency.


If a child falls and hits his/her head but there is no bruising or swelling should 911 be called? T/F 



Where is the epipen located in the community center & are we allowed to administer it during an emergency? 

Main desk & NO
