Careers and College
More Miscellaneous

Do you use your net pay or gross pay when making a budget?

Net Pay


Stocks may be volatile - what does that mean?

Stocks go up and down.


There are 16 career clusters. Name 1 of the 16.

  1. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
  2. Architecture & Construction
  3. Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
  4. Business Management & Administration
  5. Education & Training
  6. Finance
  7. Government & Public Administration
  8. Health Science
  9. Hospitality & Tourism
  10. Human Services
  11. Information Technology
  12. Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
  13. Manufacturing
  14. Marketing
  15. Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
  16. Transportation, Distribution & Logistics



What is the difference between gross pay and net pay?

Deductions that are made up of taxes and medical etc. 


Next time I make a goal I will think of using the acronym? 



Is your monthly car payment a fixed cost or variable cost?

Fixed Cost


Stocks are one of the more __________ investments compared to bonds and savings accounts?



Name 1 way to get into DSU with the Inspire Scholarship.

  • Graduate from a Delaware high school - You must receive a diploma from an in-state school.
  • Enroll at Delaware State University - You must be regularly admitted and enroll full time in the fall semester right after high school graduation. Apply to Delaware State University at desu.edu/apply-now and complete your application by mailing your official high school transcript and ACT or SAT test scores.
  • Keep Your Grades Up - To apply, you must have a cumulative overall GPA of at least 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale, as indicated on your official high school transcript.
  • File for Student Aid - Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). (Delaware State University’s school code is 001428.) The Office of Financial Aid will notify you of your Inspire Scholarship eligibility.
  • Demonstrate Good Conduct - You cannot have any felony convictions or charges pending against you when you apply or after you are admitted to Delaware State University.
  • Once a Hornet, you must do the following:
    • Stay enrolled as a full-time student and complete 12 or more credit hours (15 recommended) during both the fall and spring semesters – a total of at least 24 (30 recommended) for the school year.
    • Maintain at least a cumulative overall 2.75 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
    • Continue to demonstrate good conduct.
    • Complete 10 hours of community service every semester.
    • Complete the FAFSA online yearly. The Inspire Scholarship can be renewed every semester for eight consecutive fall and spring semesters. It is not applicable to summer sessions.

What is the minimum pay rate now in Delaware?



1) Does making goals work? 2)Will it be hard sometimes to stick to the goal? 3) Is that a reason to give up?

1 - YES!!!!!!!  2- YES!!!!! and 3 - NO!!!!!!!!


Is the gas you put in your car a variable or fixes cost?



If you buy 10 shares of Disney for $137.38 what is the total cost. 

10 X 137.38 = $1,373.80 


How important from scale of 1 to 10 is it to graduate with 10 being most important?



Please look after your computer. If it I loose it or it breaks, I should immediately let who know. 



Who are the boys and girls opponent next basketball game? 

Kirk MS on February 2, 2022. Good luck to our great athletes!


What happens if your net pay goes down? What happens to your budget. 

You have to cut down on the wants like going to the movies or buying snacks.


If you sell a stock for less then you bought it for what do you incur?

You would incur a loss.


How important is to bring your computer to school every day and to have it fully charged?

1. Very important

2. Somewhat important

3. Not very important

1. Very important


1)What does it mean to advocate for yourself?

2) Name an affirmation.

To ask for for what you need to succeed.

I am smart!


What is the salutation of a letter?


Like Dear


How much is an ideal amount to save per pay check?



Stocks are good way to diversify your portfolio. What does diversify mean?

That means to put some of your money in stocks and some in savings and some in bonds. It could also mean to put your money in different industries in the stock market, like tech stocks, airline stocks, hospitality. 


What grade point average do you need on your high school transcript to get into DSU with the Inspire Scholarship. 

  • Keep Your Grades Up - To apply, you must have a cumulative overall GPA of at least 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale, as indicated on your official high school transcript.

Name the one rule that was broken by students that really got Ms. B. upset and why do you think she was upset.

Cell phone use when not allowed. Ms. B believes some students are distracted with the phone use and have a very hard time focusing therefore taking away from your education.


What are the three communications styles?

Passive, aggressive, and assertive
