True or false: Arrving late to work, and being on your phone while on the clock is part of good business ethics.
False: You should arrive to work on time and be ready to work upon arrival.
What is business ethics?
the application of the moral standards to business situations
How can companies have less of a negative impact on the environment?
Reduce waste from operations and other actvities.
True or false: Plagiarism is taking someone else's work, ideas, and material and using it as your own without citing or acknowleding the orginal source.
What is the defintion of a conflict of intrest?
when businesspeople take advantage of a situation for their own personal intrest ather than for the employer's intrest.
Class vote: when shopping do you look for companies that use green marketing, or do you choose whatever company is cheaper?
theres no right or wrong answer.
Individual factors, social factors, and opportunity.
Define: whistle blowing.
informing the press or government officials about unethical practices within one's organization.
True or false: Companies that use energy efficent lighting, are going to be the most profitable and successful company.
False: just because they are using energy efficent lighting does not mean they are holding to business ethics, and their products are good.
Is it illegal for American businesspeople to use bribes?
Yes! This is also a conflict of intrest.
Define socioeconomic model of responisblitiy:
the concent that business should emphasize not only profits but also the impact of its decisions on socitey.
Why are grocery stores responisible for so much food waste?
They throw out the fruits and vegetables that do not appear to be perfect by the consumer, which contributes to the food waste.
True or false: A company will not get in trouble for misinforming their consumers about ingredients in their products.
False. It is illegal and unethical to mislead and false advertise for your company.
What does Caveat Emptor mean?
"let the buyer beware" (what you see is what you get).
Modern technology continues to produce large amounts of chemical and radioactive waste.