Define cultural awareness
Cultural awareness involves recognizing and understanding the values, beliefs, behaviors, and customs of different cultures.
I’m excited
the intention is to sound friendly and positive (it doesn’t actually mean you’re super emotional
Which of the following statements does not belong:
Active listening is...
a) Filtered Listening
b) Responding to the speaker
c) Mindful Listening
d) You think of what you’re going to say next instead of listening to the person
a) Filtered Listening
d) You think of what you’re going to say next instead of listening to the person
get down to business
to get serious about a task
by the book
This is a private deal - we don't have to do everything by the book
Involves understanding your own cultural biases, values, and assumptions and how they may impact your communication with individuals from different cultures.
Would you mind
a polite request (you’re not actually asking the person’s opinion, you’re asking them to do something for you)
What does it mean to ask opened questions when Actively listening?
Opt for open-ended rather than “yes or no” questions to confirm your understanding
out of the loop
Not informed; outside the circuit of news or information.
Josephine bootstrapped the company herself, and hopes to continue without outside funding
What are four attributes you should have for successful cross-cultural communication?
Cultural awareness
Cultural empathy
Interpersonal skills
Can be said literally but can also mean “no, you’re wrong”
I don’t know about that.
The following sentence is a open-ended question, probing question or commonality question.
Tell me more about your current workload. Which of these projects is the most time-consuming?
Probing question.
Ask direct questions that guide the person to provide more details about the information they’ve shared or narrow down a broad subject or topic
goes the extra mile
to make more effort than is expected of you
long shot
Getting tickets at this late date is a long shot, but I'll give it a try.
Change the message so that it sounds more confident.
"We’ll need to review our KPIs. And update the bonus system too. Also, maybe we should reimagine the format of our team meetings".
We need to review out KPIs and update the bonus system. Also, it might be a good idea to reimagine the format of our team meetings. Let me know your thoughts on this!
✅ Avoid starting a new sentence with “and.”
✅ Include a call to action if you want to make impact
To bump it up or bump up
increase something.
"they finally agreed to bump up her salary"
Change this question into an open-ended question:
“You’re right—the onboarding procedure could use some updating."
Would you want to make changes to the process over the next six months?”
to let go (from a job)
to be fired
back to the drawing board
It is right that we should go back to the drawing board and look at these concerns
What is an example for a "finger-pointing" statement
Blaming someone for a problem. People usually point fingers when they want to avoid responsibility like who fault was it for not following up with an important lead.
To turn something down.
To decline or refuse something.
I turned down the job offer because the salary did not meet my expectations.
The processing of summarizing the main points of the message. This will also help you to remember and clarify information.
cut to the chase
leave out all the unnecessary details and just get to the point
Apple says this application was banned because it used a non-public API.