overtime (I'm doing some overtime this week, as I need extra money)
a. regular hours
b. extra hours
c. casual work
d. business hours
e. part-time work
extra hours
The lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreement; it is based on the number of hours worked
a. salary
b. paycheck
c. stipend
d. payment
e. minimum wage
minimum wage
Ex: She earns a good salary
The lawyer were payd a huge celery
The lawyer was paid a huge salary
Pay increases are now being linked more closely to _______.
Athletes who take drugs to enhance _______ will not be allowed to compete.
Pay increases are now being linked more closely to performance.
Athletes who take drugs to enhance performance will not be allowed to compete.
environment (We're trying to create a better business environment)
a. wildlife
b. landscape
c. surroundings
d. habitat
e. nature
A person employed in a bank to deal with customers' transactions and take responsibility for administrative duties, like receive and pay out money
a. bank clerk
b. bookkeeper
c. accountant
d. administrator
e. manager
bank clerk
Ex: He returned to his previous occupation as a teacher
A accountant or independent financial adviser can advises on your situation
An accountant or independent financial adviser can advise on your situation
My boss is very strict about arriving to the _______ on time
I have an appointment at the dentist's _______ tomorrow
My boss is very strict about arriving to the office on time
I have an appointment at the dentist's office tomorrow
terminate (The boss decided Tom wasn't suitable for the job and terminated his contract.)
a. start
b. open
c. accept
d. end
e. begin
A financial plan that allows you to receive money after you or your employer have paid money into it for a number of years
a. subsidy plan
b. pension plan
c. spending plan
d. savings plan
e. donation plan
pension plan
Ex: The contract requires him to finish work by the end of the year
I started putting money into my retirement plan at work when I am 26
I started putting money into my retirement plan at work when I was 26
She gained a lot of _______ at that job
She had a frightening _______
She gained a lot of experience at that job
She had a frightening experience
subway (The subway was so quick and so cheap)
a. bus
b. streetcar
c. transit
d. tunnel
e. metro train
metro train
To complete or do something that one could not do earlier, often because of a busy schedule
a. recover
b. resume
c. catch up on
d. get back
e. regain
catch up on
Ex: He commutes to work every day by train
The snows caused traffics jam all over the city
The snow caused traffic jams all over the city
There were two _______ in the car in addition to the driver
I sat in the _______ seat
There were two passengers in the car in addition to the driver
I sat in the passenger seat
applicant (Out of the original fifty applicants, only eight made it to the final interview round.)
a. candidate
b. boss
c. manager
d. benefactor
e. customer
Each of two or more recurring periods in which different groups of workers do the same jobs in relay.
a. movement
b. modification
c. carry
d. shift
e. group
Ex: Good computer skills are desirable in today's digital age
Chefs are not taught to cook in the classroom; they learning on the job
Chefs are not taught to cook in the classroom; they learn on the job
What _______ do you need to be a nanny?
I want to go to college and get some _______ so that I can get a good job.
What qualifications do you need to be a nanny?
I want to go to college and get some qualifications so that I can get a good job.