Conversations, emails or reports where the District's attorney is present, or on speakerphone, copied on emails, or written reports addressed to the attorney in anticipation of litigation are protected by this.
Purchase Orders, Proposals, Quotes, Agreements, and MOUs are all examples of this binding document
What is a contract?
One of my teachers needs to attend a meeting (School Business). The sub is paid for out of this fund.
What is the school site or previously approved categorical?
Hmmm, I should probably notify these folks if I am changing the bell schedule at our school. Otherwise, we may not get fed at the right time!
Who are the Nutrition Staff?
OMG! The HVAC system went out again! I better fill out one of these to get it repaired.
What is a work order?
These types of claims are increasing and costing school districts MILLIONS, with essentially NO statute of limitations.
What are sexual molestation claims?
She is the "newbie" that reviews, negotiates, and signs all contracts, agreements, MOUs, proposals, and purchase orders for the district.
Who is Dawn Bray (Purchasing Director)?
Someone hacked my account! I don't know where this expenditure came from! Better call these folks!
Who are Fiscal Services (ie, account tech, accountant, director, etc)?
This form must be submitted 10 days before a field trip to make sure we have some grub!
What is the Field Trip Request Form?
(TerraBites.Cafe Online Form)
Uh Oh! I have an after-hours emergency at my school site! I should call this number.
What is the Emergency Maintenance Phone Number? (951) 757-8787
Students rough-housing in the gym during an assembly and someone gets hurt! (Were you watching the kids??) This is the most common claim related to students.
What is a Negligent Supervision claim?
How much is it going to be? If this contract reaches this amount I have to take it to board!
What is $10,000.
I am going to a conference and need some info about getting reimbursed for meals. I better look here!
What is the Travel and Conference Manual- Effective 8.1.19?
These forms help us determine our free and reduced population and help with funding determinations.
What are meal application forms? Call Ext 80240 for questions.
I have a new employee coming to my site. They will need keys and an alarm code. I better do this procedure!
What is create a work order? (Make sure to list the employee name so Maintenance can assign code and provide key.)
Uh Oh! We have a potential hazard on campus! Someone could trip or fall! I better do this!
What is isolate the hazard or area until it is repaired? (Don't forget to submit a work order!)
These three types of trips need board approval.
What is Out-Of-State travel (staff or students), Overnight field trip (students), or Multiple Day Field trips?
I'm going to be having some meetings and was thinking about providing food. I should probably check out this policy.
What is the Food Purchase Policy- Effective May 1, 2018?
My student has a food allergy. I need to submit this form ASAP!
What is a Medical Statement Form?
The two most important things I can do as an administrator when there is an accident or incident on the campus is this.
What is Report and Document in detail?
Students playing soccer or football on asphalt during PE or during a break is an example of this risk.
(We should've known!)
What is a foreseeable risk of injury?
These statements create a framework to tell our district who is authorized to sign contracts at different dollar thresholds.
What are administrative regulations? (Under Board Policy)
I've been driving a lot of miles for work lately. I should probably fill out the mileage reimbursement form. Wonder when it's due?
What is the 15th of the following month?
These departments may have to sign off on the fundraiser approval request form.
What is ASB Dept, Site Admin, Nutrition Services Dept, and Business Dept?
Uh oh! The district van with my CIF golf players just broke down in Thousand Oaks! I should call...
Who is the Transportation Department?
(951) 765-5100