What is the defenition of a toolbar?
(in a program with a graphical user interface) a strip of icons used to perform certain functions.
What is the most bought halloween costume in the US?
in minecraft what do you build a nether portal out of
Who is the best clown?
Bill Irwin
what is Walker's middle name?
What word's defenition is: a pop-up menu that allows you to adjust the zoom to display the selected time range
Zoom options
How many pumkins are bought in the month of October?
1.5 billion pounds OR over 800 million pumpkins
closest guess to how many memes Easton has wins
What is the nickname of Pennywise?
the Dancing clown
How many slices of bread can a bolt of lightning toast?
What is a status bar?
a horizontal bar, usually at the bottom of the screen or window, showing information about a document being edited or a program running
How much candy is given away on Halloween?
nearly 600 million pounds of candy each year for Halloween. Equivalent to the weight of 6 Titanic ships.
how did you have to travel over water in minecraft
What is the defenition of a clown?
a comic entertainer, especially one in a circus
Where is the world's largest pyramid?
What's the defenition of a presentation?
a speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience.
What is the most sold candy bar for halloween?
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
how many nights are there in fnaf to win
Who was the first clown ever?
Joseph Grimaldi
Is your funny bone actually a bone? If not, what is it?
it's a nerve
What is the definition of a database?
a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways.
How many people get injured on Halloween each year?
5.5 fatalities each year
Is the swim team fun
The comedy that clowns perform is usually in the role of a what?
A fool whose everyday actions and tasks become extraordinary—and for whom the ridiculous, for a short while, becomes ordinary.
How many golf balls were hit on Apollo 14