Your Superintendent just realized he has been signing off that 10% of the professional development was language acquisition and he has never checked! This service can help provide that. (and its Free!)
What is the RBERN
Your Superintendent went to the ISTE conference and now s/he wants you to find $100,000 for a Robot mascot- this service can help talk him/her out of it or help you purchase it cheaply
What is Model Schools?
Your second grade teacher is saying she is dying of black lung from the poor air quality in your school- this service can check the air quality for you
What is health and safety?
Your custodian is accused of eating a teachers snacks for students, when confronted he says the teacher is creating a hostile work environment by putting out food and excluding him from eating it. This service can take this investigation off your plate.
What is the HR service?
You are adopting a new curriculum and the going rate for professional development on how to use it from the company is $5,000 per day. Your union president says not of her teachers can be expected to implement it with out 20 days of PD. You may need this service to make this affordable.
What is embedded PD?
You only have 12 ELLs and your principals are saying you need 2.0 FTE to cover it- this service can help you determine what you actually need.
What is the RBERN?
Your Superintendent went to AASA and now wants a $50,000 key note speaker- this service does speaker contracts and can help work out a possible share with other districts to reduce costs.
What is School Improvement?
The county has increase the SRO cost by 20%- this service is working to try to make this aid able
What is community school resources?
An employee has just requested FMLA due to high stress from being separated from her pet all day. This service can advise you if that is even a thing.
What is the HR service?
One of your students has modeling gig- modeling depends for game addicted adolescents. "For when you can't leave the game even when you really gotta go." His parents are now accusing you of not protecting him from intense bullying from jealous people. This service could help.
What is Virtual Learning?
The only certified person who applied for your open ELL position showed up to the interview in a personal hazmat bubble. One of these two services could help.
What is certification office or itinerant services?
Your Superintendent wants to provide free ice cream to all on every Friday. This service can get you the best price.
What is cooperative bid service?
P. Diddy was able to get past your front entrance and was overheard asking an eight grader if she'd like to party. You might need this system.
What is visitor management system or Raptor?
All of your unions are saying morale is at an all time low. This service can create you a morale survey and give you analysis reports.
What is school improvement data services
You know you need educational coaches but you just can't afford them (and you think they aren't working 180 days anyway). This service could help.
School Improvement Embedded Staff Development