Consists of official rules/regulations
What is 'law'?
About how many people don't have access to the internet?
What is 'more than 2 billion/2.9 billion'?
Popular Culture - what is it?
What is 'country and time-specific recognized people, music, art, TV, movies, celebrities, beliefs, objects, slang terms…'?
Some purposes of online writing (at least 2)
What is 'to inform, persuade, call to action, advertising, etc'?
Kinds of things that can go viral online (at least 2)
What are 'videos, audio, pictures, memes, etc...'?
Consists of moral principles people use to guide their behavior
What are 'ethics'?
Name 3 things the internet has allowed people to do/access
What is 'have a voice in politics, fight racism/sexism/climate change, increase education'?
Globalization - what is it?
What is 'trade or technology that makes the world more connected; things move more easily across countries'?
The two audiences of internet writing
What are 'the reader and search engines'?
The meaning of 'go viral'?
What is 'A message, image, sound etc is transmitted infinitely (it’s popular, makes people angry, etc)'?
The more common event in daily life: illegal behavior or unethical behavior?
What is 'unethical behavior'?
One good thing that happened because of the pandemic (related to the internet)
What is '17% more people globally gained access to the internet'?
Interpersonal communication - what is it?
What is 'exchanging ideas, information, emotional experiences with others (2+ people)?
What is 'their attention span is shorter, they tend to skim or scan the text'?
Viral things must have a 'trigger.' What does it mean?
What is 'provokes a reaction, causes an event to happen or causes people to participate in an activity'?
Stealing a car is... (legal/illegal/ethical/unethical)
What is 'unethical and illegal'?
Priscilla says this 60% of people in Zambia rely on this sector/industry for work.
What is 'agriculture'?
The internet paradox - what is it?
What is 'the internet connecting all of us but makes face-to-face communication less common, thus isolating us, too'?
Ways online writing can be distributed
What is 'sharing, linking, liking...'?
Viral things must be relevant. What does it mean?
What is 'the content is immediately accessible, understandable, important; it makes the audience feel a connection'?
Cheating on your friend with her boyfriend is (legal/illegal/ethical/unethical)
What is 'legal and unethical'?
The girl in Pricilla's village who doesn't have access to the internet faces many challenges during the pandemic. Name 2.
What is 'she can't attend school, she's at higher risk of teen pregnancy and teen marriage, she can't work towards her dreams'?
Reproduction (online) - what is it?
What is 'the act or process of copying something; using an old idea over again'?
Kinds of formatting that can be used in internet writing (at least 3)
What are 'headings, subheadings, bold, italics, underlining, short paragraphs'...
Viral things must have emotional appeal. What does it mean?