What are useful tools and techniques for generating research ideas?
One of the two main types of observational research. Considered qualitative.
What is participant observation.
One of the two main types of observational research. Considered quantitative.
What is structured observation.
In a data set the number that occurs with the most frequency.
What is mode?
Face to face interviews, Focus Groups, Group Interviews.
What are non-standardized interview methods?
Sets the context of the research, Leads the reader to other sections of the report, Begins at a General level and then narrows to specific topics.
What are items provided by a critical literature review?
Ranking Questions, List Questions, Rating Questions
What are types of questions used on a questionnaire?
A good way to examine data in a longitudinal study.
What are charts showing trends over time?
Derives meanings from numerical data. Data can be mathematically analyzed. Analysis can be conducted with statistical charts and graphs.
What is quantitative data?
Observation error, subject error and observer effects.
What are the three main obstacles to validity and reliability in participant and structured observations?
Formulating a topic, Reviewing the literature, Designing the research, Collecting Data, Analyzing the data. Writing the report.
What are stages of the research process?
Testing the literature framework using the data (from the more general to the more specific…conclusion follows logically from premises – available facts).
What is the deductive approach in literature review?
Testing the data against the literature framework (from more specific observations to broader generalizations and theories…conclusion is likely based on premises).
What is the inductive approach in literature review?
The study of the nature of values and value judgments (studies of judgments about values).
What is research Philosophy Axiology?
A survey or questionnaire that is received through postal mail or electronic mail.
What is an example of an interviewer administered questionnaire?