Skill Plans

So Many questions!

90 Billion Questions have been answered on IXL!!!


ELA Textbook skill plans

We have updated our Units of Study skill plans in grades 6 and 7 to fill in some missing units. Each grade now contains 9 units that teachers can use in any order! 


District Dashboard

DISTRICT DASHBOARD: Admins can now update their school's list by themselves without going through Account Specialist AND we can now see their integrations (we talked about this last week) 


SmartScore Update

Thanks to research and comments from our customers- most skills will take slightly fewer questions to complete. In the Challenge Zone, students will earn more points for correct answers and lose fewer points for incorrect ones. 
Math textbook Skill plans

We’ve extended our previous coverage of Eureka Math TEKS to include Kindergarten through Grade 5! Several of these new Texas-focused skill plans currently cover just the first half of the year, but you can look forward to seeing those expanded to the full year in the near future.In addition, we’ve also released these new full-year skill plans:

  • enVision Math Texas 2.0 Grade K
  • Saxon Math Grades 1, 2, 3
  • Reveal Math Grade 5
  • Everyday Math Grade 6

Notably, this completes our coverage of the Everyday Math textbook series!


Spanish support is now available on Android Apps AND there is now Spanish support for Algebra I math skills


New States Efficacy Research (1/3)

New state efficacy research: 7 states — Illinois, Louisiana, Nebraska, New York, South Carolina, Tennessee, Washington


IXL Weekly Boost

32 weeks long with 3-8 skills per week. They are available in ELA grades K-8 and Math Pk-Algebra 2. More grades are expected soon and it tells the customer that! 



The Canvas integration now shows practice and diagnostic data for IXL activities assigned through Canvas. This allows teachers to also use Canvas' grading module, SpeedGrader, to evaluate student work.


What did we learn? (2/3)

IXL has positive effects on school performance. For both math and ELA, schools that used IXL outperformed schools that did not use IXL. For IXL Math, more usage as measured by the average number of skills proficient per student per week (SP/week) was related to greater gains.


State Standards Skill Plan

Skill plans for each state now have ribbons on them that show the subject which will help users easily see that we have standard skill plans for each subject and help them to pick the right one. 


IXL Live Leaderboard

Teachers can now monitor up to date leaderboard status without refreshing the page. It will pudate every 5 seconds. This only works for teacher accounts, students will still need to refresh


Is Usage important? (3/3)

More IXL usage is associated with higher achievement. For both math and ELA, schools that adopted IXL products performed better when their students spent more time on IXL, answered more questions on IXL, and/or reached proficiency in more skills on IXL.


Recommended Skills

Teachers can now recommend skills from the Trouble Spots report and from the Skill Analysis report (for checkpoint only). Teachers simply click "suggest this skill" to send to students listed. 

The Diagnostic

The teacher dashboard has a new look AND Diagnostic data can be exported for school and district admins. This report will show overall and stand levels for all students with up-to-date levels. 
