In the new film "Spider-Man: Homecoming", the web-slinger is trying to prove he's worthy of joining this group
The Avengers
This kitten turned out to be an alien that ate the Tesseract
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”Earth is closed today”
Tony's name for this web-slinging hero is Underoos
Spider Man
The Steve was in ice, this other captain fell to Earth after being captured
Captain Marvel
This title superhero got his name from a list of bets on who would get killed first
In a cutscene in Spider-Man: Far From Home, we find out that this alien disguised himself as Nick Fury while Fury was up in space.
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”How much for that arm?”
Hawkeye gets this moniker of a "Lord of the Rings" archer
Iron Man 3 took place after what movie including many of the heroes coming together
Fittingly, the full name of that flameout Ghost Rider is Johnny this
Johnny Blaze
In Captain America: The First Avenger, Red Skull is an alien who dressed up as this man who worked for Hydra.
(Johann) Schmidt
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”Time Stone”
Tony's nicknames for this group of Avengers lite: Blue Meanie (Nebula), Build-a-Bear (Rocket) & Mr. Clean (Drax)
The Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1
Super soldier serum was the stuff that created this title hero
Captain America
In Captain Marvel, this actress played Mar-Vel who surprisingly was a Kree
Annete Benning
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Iron Man Suit
Tony refers to amnesiac assassin the Winter Soldier by the title of this 1962 Frank Sinatra thriller
The Manchurian Canidate
These two characters were introduced in Age of Ultron, later to have a romantic relationship
Wanda (Maximoff) and Vision
In the "Thor" movies, Idris Elba guards the entry to Asgard via a rainbow bridge with this Norse name
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“Sweet Rabbit”
Tony calls Loki by the title of this 2009 Broadway musical about 1980s hair bands
Rock of Ages
In the first Iron Man movie, this dude works with Tony Stark but turns out to be the bad guy!