What is the most popular day of the year for shopping in the USA?
Black Friday
What do you call the visible slogan of a brand?
A logo
What types of commercials are illegal in Europe but legal in the USA?
Guess which company uses this slogan:
Just Do It.
What is this type of American building called?
It has several (3-10) commercial businesses that are connected by a sidewalk. And it has a large parking lot for customers.
Strip Mall
A customer prefers to visit a specific store, and often refuses to visit other similar stores.
Explain why celebrity endorsements and product placements are effective
Many people trust celebrities and the media
Encourages people to be like their favorite celebrities
Brings attention to the product
Guess which company uses this slogan:
"It's finger lickin' good!"
What do you call this type of restaurant that is very common in the USA. It allows people to order and collect food without leaving their cars.
Drive Thru
Billboards, flyers, free samples, and slogans could all be examples of a:
Marketing campaign
These individuals often have many followers on social media and get paid to promote products or services.
Guess which company uses this slogan:
"________ gives you wiiiings"
Name 3 popular grocery stores in the United States
Trader Joe's
What is a billboard?
A physical advertisement that is usually located outside, on a building, or near a busy road. They are large and tall.
What does it mean to make a "cold-call"?
A cold-call is marketing strategy where a salesperson calls customers who they have never spoken to, and they try and get them to buy a product or service.
Guess which company uses this slogan:
"Think different."
Name 6 things you could buy in a store like Target, Walmart or Costco
What is the difference between a celebrity endorsement and a product placement?
A celebrity endorsement is where a celebrity gets paid to appear in an ad or speak about a product.
Product placement is where a company pays to have its product appear next to a celebrity, in a movie, in a commercial, etc.
What is a "pop-up" shop?
A store that is only open temporarily, but may be unique or different to a normal shop to bring attention to the brand and create excitement.
Guess which company uses this slogan:
"The Happiest Place on Earth"
Disney / Disneyworld