What amount of insects are carnivorous?
A. 1/2
B. 1/3
C. 1/4
D. 3/4
B. One third of all insects are carnivorous!
I asked this question in the last jeopardy!
Let’s see how good your memories are:
What is a wasps favorite food?
True or false: butterflies are carnivores.
False, except a couple types of butterfly, that eats rotting animal flesh, or drinks blood. There’s always an exception to every rule.
What is the name of the world’s largest spider?
A. Hercules Tarantula
B. Goliath Birdeater
C. Colossus Spider
D. Giganto Weaver
B. The Goliath birdeater spider can weigh up to 6 ounces, and can measure 11 inches across with its legs.
How many flowers must a honeybee tap to make one pound of honey?
A. 200
B. 500
C. One thousand
D. Two million
D. Two million!
One of the first types of carnivorous type of bug that comes to mind is the Praying Mantis, but what surprising creature can they be known to pray on?
A. Squirrels
B. Chipmunks
C. Mice
D. Birds
Which of the following is true of the deathwatch beetle?
A. They secrete a poisonous but sweet smelling oil that makes humans very sick.
B. They make tapping noises similar to a clock ticking that in myth signals death approaching if you hear it.
C. They only come out of the ground in fresh graves.
D. They are only present on animal carcasses.
B. Yeah… in legend and myth if you hear that tapping sound in your house, your time is up, my friend. Tales say that the presence of this tapping insect brings about death.
What is the wingspan of the world’s largest butterfly?
A. About 12 inches
B. About 10 inches
C. About 6 inches
D. About 20 inches
A! The Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing Butterfly is observed having wingspans close to a foot in length!
The Giant Hunstman Spider has the longest body length with legs included, how long is its legs?
A. 10 inches
B. 12 inches
C. 8 inches
D. 5 inches
B. 12 inches. Its legs are 12 inches long and they can lay completely flat on a tree. It’s terrifying. I’ve seen regular huntsman spiders in the woods of Pennsylvania with leg lengths of like 6-8 inches and it’s the size of a gosh darn dinner plate. No thanks. I’ll pass.
What color do bees NOT see?
A. Yellow
B. Purple
C. Red
D. Blue
C. Bees cannot see the color red but they can see ultraviolet light
Which one of these cute-coded bugs are actually carnivores?
A. Ladybugs
B. Butterflies
C. Bees
D. Caterpillars
A. Ladybugs are carnivores! They are huge helpers for gardeners, they are great pest control against aphids and fruit flies!
How do Water Striders “walk on water”?
A. They have super thin legs that rest on top of water surface tension.
B. Their legs hook under the surface of the water and they use that grip to glide.
C. They grow algae on their feet to float above the water for movement.
D. They actually just swim and the name is incorrect!
A. Their legs are so slender and long that they don’t penetrate the waters surface tension, and thus, they’re able to move around on top of the water seamlessly.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, what is the wingspan of the world’s smallest butterfly?
A. 0.5 inches
B. 1 inch
C. 2 inches
D. 0.25 inches
A. With a combined wingspan of just half an inch, this is one very tiny butterfly, it’s called the Western Blue Pygmy Butterfly.
Which of the following is a real type of spider?
A. Trap Door
B. Acid Spitter
C. Porcupine
D. Skunk
A. Trap Door, these spiders create underground lairs, and a camouflaged door on top, and when something walks over it, they fling the door open, grab their prey and bring it into their evil lair to munch on.
How fast can honeybees fly?
A. 20 mph
B. 15 mph
C. 30 mph
D. 5 mph
B! Little speed demons can fly about fifteen miles per hour!
Which of the following is an actual name for a carnivorous bug native to North America?
A. Grim Reaper Beetle
B. Serial Killer Wasp
C. Assassin Bug
D. Death Beetle
C. The assassin bug is native to North America and keeps certain bug populations in check with specially honed killing skills for beetles, caterpillars, and roaches!
Giant Water Bugs are known by a lovely colloquial name, what is it?
A. Running Bears
B. Nitpickers
C. Swimming Horses
D. Toe-Biters
D. These guys will literally bite your toes, and it hurts, badly. They can be like… 4 to 5 inches long, and they are among the largest bugs in North America. It’s disgusting.
Which of the following is the name of an actual and very interesting butterfly species?
A. Butterball Butterfly
B. Ponytail Butterfly
C. Cottonleg Butterfly
D. Clearwing Butterfly
D. The clearwing butterfly is just as it sounds, the majority of its wings are completely transparent to side in camouflage! It’s like a window!
How big are Black Widow spiders?
A. 3 inches
B. 2.5 inches
C. 1.5 inches
D. 4 inches
C. 1.5 inches, this is one of those species whose reputation precedes it, and the fear makes it seem like it must be huge, but it usually isn’t larger than an inch and a half, and the males of the species aren’t even poisonous.
How do honeybees communicate?
A. Through buzzing
B. Smells, like pheromones.
C. Through dance
D. Clicking sounds
C. They dance to communicate to one another!
How do Dragonflies catch their prey?
They have super cute serrated jaws that rip the wings off their prey while in midair. :)
Not only do we have one of the following bugs above ground, but we also have them underwater! Which one of the following above ground bugs do we also have to warn The Little Mermaid about underwater?
A. Swimming Tarantulas
B. Water Scorpions
C. Diving Wasps
D. Scuba Cockroaches
B. Water Scorpions, because of course there are. They even kinda look like actual scorpions and they are carnivorous as well, catch and eat small fish. They can be about two inches long. It’s great.
Listen, I worked on this Jeopardy game at like 11 pm and now I’m far more terrified of insects than I was before! Good stuff!
What type of butterfly are we super familiar with in our area, with wings of orange, white, and black patterning, and whose caterpillars are black, white, and yellow and reside on milkweed?
Monarch Butterflies! Their numbers are dwindling now, and their populations heavily tracked.
Which of the following spiders are the most intelligent?
A. tarantulas
B. Jumping spider
C. Brown recluse
D. Clown spider
B, jumping spiders are among the most intelligent spiders on the planet, they’ve been known to recognize faces, and love interaction. They apparently make great and popular pets for those reasons.
Are worker bees male or female?
They’re female! Males bees are called drones and basically are useless except to help the queen produce more bees for the hive. That’s men for ya.