this animal is killed for us to eat at the dinner/lunch table...
92-10 is.... (FOR NOAH)
The third planet from the sun is...
Danny/Uncle Burger's middle name is..
The sport families usally watch this during thanksgiving is....
this is mashed...
mashed potatoes
7x7 is... (3rd grade math)
there are this many bones in the human body...
Noah Soloman Scooby-doo (dont ask) LeVine born in...
What sport does Noah do?
how do you make gravy?
1/8+1/4 is... (fourth grade math)
the main gas that makes up the Earth's atmosphere is...
Jill/Bub Bub has ___ siblings.
Meital does this sport...
the macys day parade is hosted here...
the CORRECT way of saying "123.812" (the way i learned it, it might be different. (fifth grade math)
one hundred twenty three and eight hundred twelve thousanths
the biggest planet in our solar system is...
23.71 billion miĀ²
Meital Brooke LeVine was born in (year)
The highest total score in a football game is...
thanksgiving was created for...
They tended to be autumn harvest celebrations. But in 1789, Elias Boudinot, Massachusetts, member of the House of Representatives, moved that a day of Thanksgiving be held to thank God for giving the American people the opportunity to create a Constitution to preserve their hard won freedoms.
478x2 is... (sixth grade math)
DNA stands for...
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Uncle Mark Olefsky is ____ tall.
5'11 1/2
The last NHL player to leave the league without having used a helmet was...
raig MacTavish was the last player to skate in the NHL without a helmet, but many forget that 'MacT' actually wore one at the start of his NHL career. When he broke in with the Bruins in 1979, MacTavish was used to wearing a helmet from playing in college and continued to wear one